
Showing posts from 2018

Finding peace around difficult people

One of my many challenges in life was being able to find peace around difficult people, the thing is as we get older we learn that we can pick and choose our friends, however sometimes there is no choice but to be around a difficult person. I'm sure you can relate. Right now it’s that time of the year again. ‘Tis the season of family vacations, holiday parties, and awkward celebratory work functions. And whenever large groups of us are forced to share the same space for too long, especially after hours when alcohol and exhaustion are factored in, there’s a fairly high potential for unnecessary drama. So this morning I read an email article and it went something like this, “I have difficult people in my family and social circles that I have to deal with at various holiday-related gatherings over the next several weeks, and just thinking about it drives me crazy.  What can I do when these difficult people start getting on my nerves—which is inevitable?  How do I sh...

2 mantras/affirmation to Change the way you think about yourself

All journeys of better and positive change begin with a vision, a goal, motivation and the determination needed to achieve it. However, we all come across two things, we either become too determined or too discouraged, what do you think happens when either one of these tings happen. You begin to nurture another belief: who you are right now is not good enough. It works both ways your either too obsessed with a goal or you become discouraged. I was reading this article and I came across this story,  a women said she had become overly obsessive in her efforts to meditate. As her interest in meditation grew, she began to increasingly say to herself, “I am not good enough,” and, “I have to be better at this.” She began to notice various imperfections within herself that needed to be “fixed.” The funny thing is I also came across a friend whom wanted to loose weight but when she looked in the mirror she began to increasingly say to herself, "I am too fat," ...

Try not to let your challenges get the best of you.

A story I'm resonating with this morning, good morning good folks, I was reading this morning and came across this story about a woman in which her perspective changed for the brighter: “This morning, nearly five years after my husband’s passing, a beautiful couple and their three kids knocked on my front door. The man smiled and said, ‘Your husband was my heart donor. He saved my life. Not a single day has gone by that I don’t pray for him and think of you. Thank you!’” Colleen went on to admit that she had been unable to see any positive side of her husband’s death—until she found herself staring at one on her doorstep: “It doesn’t necessarily make things easier, but it certainly changed the way I think. I feel like a small piece of my broken heart has healed.” And the truth is, it sometimes happens just like that. Although Colleen’s experience is unique, and more than a little extraordinary, life sometimes has a way of slapping us with a good reminder tha...

The implications of the inside out nature of mind.

Hi all hope your weeks been going good so far, tonight I wanted to share with you guy's the implications of having a deeper understanding of the inside out nature of mind..   The principles behind clarity.  This understanding as it deepens really puts life and everyday things into a different light, here are a few implication.   Implication 1 You can’t be a victim of circumstance, As you realize that its impossible for you to be a victim of circumstance you become less likely to look to the outside world for security, approval and validation. Fearing to fail and having a fear of criticism reveal themselves to be all bark and no bite. It becomes easier to take calculated risk, freedom from confusion about where your well being comes from, you become more care free, enjoying yourself and having more fun as you experiment and explore. As you take action you take responsibility for creating the kind of results that you want or desire. ...

My mind keeps telling me these 3 lies...

The human mind is a wonderful thing.  It’s also good at lieing and making excuses which frequently try to convince us NOT to take actions when we know that its good for us.  This ultimately prevents many good changes from taking place in our lives. But why?  Why does the mind lie to us and make irrational excuses? Because, the mind wants comfort, that’s why!  It’s very much hates discomfort, pressure and change.  The mind is use to its comfort zone, and anytime we try to stretch that zone too far, for too long, the mind tries desperately to get back to ground zero at any cost… including sacrificing our long-term health, happiness and success. So let’s expose and bring to light three of the mind’s most regretful lies and excuses once and for all – I've literally seen these specific lies and excuses plaguing people I know over the past decade or so. 1.  "Its easy for them, because they have it better than me." – Just because someone else ca...

What You Do consistently over and over is what will Define You

A lot of the most meaningful results that we will ever achieve in our lives come from the little things we do—the milestones, the relationships, the love, the lessons—all come from what we do repeatedly, on a daily basis. I cant emphasis enough how important it is your daily rituals. Regardless of your unique talents, knowledge, and life circumstances, I hear it all the time amongst other music enthusiast who talk about how much better they are than other artist they hear or see and how they wouldn't go on shows like x-factor or the voice etc, its not how good you are necessarily but what you do on a daily basis that get you to where you want to get to. It's not how you personally define success and happiness, Here's the thing, you don’t suddenly become successful and happy.  You become successful and happy over time based on the daily rituals you choose to do and your willingness to try again and again, and of course with the right thinking—to create little dail...

1 Daily ritual that's so important to me I call it morning loving-kindness meditation

Hi guys and good morning. So I woke this morning and went through my daily morning ritual as you do, and thought, how important is a morning ritual, well, for me the morning is enormously important. It's the foundation from which your day is built. How you choose to spend your morning can be used to predict what kind of day you’re going to have. Here's how it looks to me, when you start your day from a beautiful feeling, feeling whole and centered, you tend to carry this mindset into everything you do and every conversation you have. This is especially helpful when you are forced to work through a difficult life situation, or deal with difficult relationships. Although you can’t change every situation or relationship you're involved in, you can always change your response to them but that needs to be done by your innate self correcting ability. And that's where a morning loving-kindness meditation works wonders! This is how it works: When I r...

How to take action when your mind is saying no

  I woke up about 530am this morning, I got up about 6 out of my bed did what I normally do, clean last nights dishes and got myself some coffee and I have a simple (but not easy) challenge for you... Stop believing you need to feel better before you take that first step, stop believing you should feel more confident before you do what you would like to do. The misunderstanding is when I feel better I'll go to the gym, when I feel more confident I'll take the next step.  The truth is just go to the gym and you will begin to feel better, taking the next step iand you will begin to feel confident. Meditate on that for a moment, and then force yourself forward. You don’t need to have everything you want to achieve mapped out. And you know what, "next step" I'm referring to—the waiting until you feel more energy, you know that important step you're just not quite “ready” to take yet... the one you keep waiting for the "right" time to ta...

Getting back up when I fell.

Good morning or afternoon wherever you are I just wanted to share, hope your all in good spirits this morning I know I am :), but you know, this is a habit I felt I had to cultivate over the years to now, one of my fav quotes from a guy name Johnny Bowden, he's a clairty coach and we had a few sessions when I joined a coaching group called glass-wing run by Jamie Smarte awesome experience. he said create a beautiful feeling and live from there. Has this ever been you? I use to find myself always in a state of hurry, anxiety, stress and busyness, even too busy for my own personal health, one day it occurred to me, what is it that I'm expressing to others? what do they see?. Being unhealthy having unhealthy thoughts and habits isn't really the best way to be, however if not for yourself what about others around you, family co-workers, colleagues and friends, well maybe your friends are just like you so that's why their your friends, If, you won't b...

Finding Grattitude when its most difficult

  Don’t lower your standards, but do remind yourself that removing your expectations of others—especially those who are being difficult—i s the best way to avoid being disappointed by them. You will end up sadly disappointed if you expect others will always do for you as you do for them. Not everyone has the same heart as you. Not everyone’s heart is filled with genuine gratitude. When you’re forced to deal with a difficult person, you can be grateful for having other people in your life who are far less difficult. You can be grateful for having a way to practice being better at patience, communication, and tempering your expectations. You can think of this person as a teacher, who is inadvertently helping you to grow stronger as a person. And, at the very least, you can be grateful for them because they serve as a great reminder of how not to be. Although we have these automatic thoughts that go into our heads in that moment of dealing with a difficult situatio...

Thinking better means living better

Hi everyone its Nasir Brown, I hope all is blessed, so this came up and it felt like a good message to share with you all so here it is. I have come to realize that sometimes changing your situation isn’t possible — or simply not possible soon enough. You can’t restructure your entire lifestyle in an instant. I wish I could, and I wish I could change people but you can’t make someone else change against his or her will. And you certainly can’t erase the past. So, what choice do you have left? Change your attitude about your situation. Doing so will help you shift into a different approach and ultimately allow yourself to grow beyond the problems and barriers you can’t control immediately. Let’s be honest, we all have negative thought patterns that come up and we emotionally default to them when times get tough or stressful. Patterns like people-pleasing that was me, reacting with a victim mentality, succumbing to needless worry,...

What would make you a stronger person tomorrow?

Hi guys, Its Nasir Brown, I was once told that your only one thought away from change, so what thought can we adopt to make change and become a stronger person tomorrow? I have 4 hard truths about today that will make you a stronger person tomorrow. Life keeps leading us on journeys we would never go on if it were up to us.  Don’t be afraid.  Have faith.  Find the lessons.  Trust the journey today. We humans are so beautiful and were all just trying to find our way, success leaves clues, happiness leaves clues, today and every day we seek to better understand the meaning of our lives. We all want to discover our gifts and release them into the world,  in hope of finding happiness, peace, and strength along the way.  For some of us the expressing of these desires are loud and clear, driving what we do and how we do it from moment to moment.  For others, these deep seeded needs are buried below the noise of daily life, below ego, below...

Four questions you need to ask yourself

Hi Guys, In my daily walk through this life I have come across quite a few people who always seem to want to achieve certain things in their life but yet do nothing towards achieving it yet, they will swear to me that yea I really do want to exercise be in better health or get my body ready for that holiday, I really do want to get that website up and running and get my freelancing on because I hate my job etc etc. Well, I'm sure you have heard this saying before, If you keep doing what you're doing, you'll keep getting what you're getting. Yet, so many of us don't listen to our own better judgment. In fact, oftentimes the biggest difference between those of us who are making positive changes in our lives and those of us who aren't is not one’s superior abilities, but the courage that one has to just take consistent action. In other words, some of us sit and wait for the magic beans to arrive while the rest of us just get up and get to work. ...

The number one barrier to you living a better life.

You know we really don't realize how serious negative thinking is, and how much of an impact it has on our day to day life, did you know that the number one barrier to living a good life is negative thinking. We like to make life more complicated than it is! We believe the story's that we tell ourselves. But here's the thing and trust me now, and thank me later: all battles are won from the inside out. I was with a friend the other day and she's going through a mad tough mental battle right now because she believes that everything and everyone on the outside is the cause of her suffering on the inside. Let me remind you: The mind is your battleground ... ... it's the place where the fiercest and most ruthless conflict resides. ... where half of the things you feared were going to happen, never actually happen. ... where your expectations always get the best of you. ... where you fall victim to your own train of thought time and time again. If y...

Calmness is your superpower

   Good afternoon all, so this morning I posted some words about our superpower called calmness,   I just wanted to extend it and share with you, now one of the many ways to combat certain things that go on our heads and a practice that I use to do quite often was to write stuff down or affirmations down on a post it note or something.    So today I want you to challenge yourself to pick the one new reminder every morning for the next week and a half (roughly ten days), write it down someplace you can easily see it (perhaps write it on a post-it note), and then consciously recite it (at least three times) as needed throughout the day. See how doing so prompts you to respond to life with a calmer and more effective mindset. 1 Calmness begins the moment you take a deep breath and choose not to allow another person or event to control your thoughts. You are not what happened to you. You are what you choose to become in this moment. Let g...