2 mantras/affirmation to Change the way you think about yourself

All journeys of better and positive change begin with a vision, a goal, motivation and the determination needed to achieve it. However, we all come across two things, we either become too determined or too discouraged, what do you think happens when either one of these tings happen.

You begin to nurture another belief: who you are right now is not good enough.

It works both ways your either too obsessed with a goal or you become discouraged.

I was reading this article and I came across this story,  a women said she had become overly obsessive in her efforts to meditate. As her interest in meditation grew, she began to increasingly say to herself, “I am not good enough,” and, “I have to be better at this.” She began to notice various imperfections within herself that needed to be “fixed.”

The funny thing is I also came across a friend whom wanted to loose weight but when she looked in the mirror she began to increasingly say to herself, "I am too fat," "I'm never going to loose this weight," I'm not as good as them," "its easier for them than it is for me'" and the obvious over weight began to look daunting and over bearing and an impossible task.

In a nutshell, her over-the-top efforts to meditate for extensive periods of time had opened the doors to lots of unexpected self-criticism and stress. In a nutshell her lack of self love and over the top thoughts of what she look like and what she had to do began to look like a mountain to climb.

Thankfully, with a little bit coaching, both women eventually realized that what they were going through had made them forget one of the basic objectives of change—self-acceptance.

So, the bottom line is this: you have to accept yourself as you are, and then commit to personal growth. If you think you are absolutely “perfect” already or the latter, you will not make any positive efforts to grow. But, constantly criticizing yourself is just as counterproductive as doing nothing, because you will never be able to build new positive changes into your life when you’re obsessively focused on your flaws.

The key is to remind yourself affirmation that you already are good enough; you just need more practice. And change your affirmation from, “I have to be better,” to, “I will do my absolute best today.” The second affirmation is far more effective because it actually prompts you to take positive action at any given moment while simultaneously accepting the reality that every effort may not be perfect.

Being able to distinguish between healthy striving and self-abuse on your journey is a critically important step towards living a happier and more successful life.

If you feel like you've been doing more of the latter lately—inadvertently self-abusing—realize that the real battle is in your mind. And your mind is under your control, not the other way around.

Let me just say that again, your mind is under your control, not the other way around.

You may have fallen short a time or two, I have plenty of time's but you are not behind! You are in the process of learning and growing! So don’t let your mind, or anyone else, try to convince you otherwise.

Heal yourself, and grow beyond the disappointment you feel, by refusing to abuse and belittle yourself.

Love yourself as you are then make change.

Choose to take up a lot of positive space in your own life today. Choose to give yourself permission to try again. Choose to honor your feelings and emotions respectfully. Choose to make self-care and personal growth top priorities…

Choose to think better about yourself, so you can live better in spite of the challenges you face.
Better thoughts better quality of life.

And YES, I know that's sometimes its much easier said than done.

Thinking better and making positive changes takes guidance and practice.

That's why I offer what I call talk time, lets talk and air this out of you.

Truly caring for you big luv Nas.


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