How to take action when your mind is saying no
I woke up about 530am this morning, I got up about 6 out of my bed did what I normally do, clean last nights dishes and got myself some coffee and I have a simple (but not easy) challenge for you...
Stop believing you need to feel better before you take that first step, stop believing you should feel more confident before you do what you would like to do.
The misunderstanding is when I feel better I'll go to the gym, when I feel more confident I'll take the next step.
The truth is just go to the gym and you will begin to feel better, taking the next step iand you will begin to feel confident.
Meditate on that for a moment, and then force yourself forward.
You don’t need to have everything you want to achieve mapped out.
And you know what, "next step" I'm referring to—the waiting until you feel more energy, you know that important step you're just not quite “ready” to take yet... the one you keep waiting for the "right" time to take it.
Well, It's time to allow yourself to be a beginner because no one starts off at the top being great. And no one's perfect in every step of the way. We learn as we go on.
So, do the best you can until you know better. Once you know better, you will do better.
One of the things I went through and still am going through from time to time is the lack of faith in my own innate abilities/heart, listening to others who have not done or experienced what your experiencing an then taking it only t lead you wrong.
The great thing about life is there is almost always a 2nd chance.
Seriously, learn to start every day before you feel ready, and I promise you will learn how to succeed, step by step, before you even realize you’re good enough.
This is what I experience as I move forward and the biggest thing for me is the ability to listen to myself rather than others.
Ask any parent if they were ready 100% ready to take on parenthood (or their first day as the parent of a 3-year-old, a 11-year-old, or a 23-year-old ). The answer will always be “no. I know for me having children when I did I just had to put my arm out and have the nurses put that child in my arms and boom I had no choice.
So here's the mentality approaching what you would like to achieve or to move forward, I have no choice I just have to do it, this gives us a total different outlook on what we need to do to move forward. You just do the best you can to take the next step, and then figure it out from there.
Here's what you dont want, you dont want to get to the point where you actually dont have a choice.
The sad thing is you also don't want to get too old and to the point where life says its too late to go to the gym to make a real change, I see certain people who are too old and too obese now to make real change they are too old weak and feeble and no longer can make the change.
No matter what it is, you just need to get started—make “starting” a daily ritual
Because standing still, you get no momentum. And momentum and progress is what build's confidence and withers away lack or apprehension.
Rituals put you in motion without having to think (and over-think) about the next move. You decided way before you acted—and now you just act with intention.
And when you act in this way, you make the most rewarding progress imaginable, every single day.
I know for me 6 months in of consistent going to the gym at least 4 times a week has become an automatic thing and my confidence, my love for myself has turned up 2 fold, then you starting seeing results and that then gives you the other extra boost to keep going even more.
Rituals really can—and really will—change YOUR life.
What are you making a ritual every day does it take you toward or away from?
Think about it and start.
Truly caring for you
Big love Nas.
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