1 Daily ritual that's so important to me I call it morning loving-kindness meditation

Hi guys and good morning.

So I woke this morning and went through my daily morning ritual as you do, and thought, how important is a morning ritual, well, for me the morning is enormously important. It's the foundation from which your day is built. How you choose to spend your morning can be used to predict what kind of day you’re going to have.

Here's how it looks to me, when you start your day from a beautiful feeling, feeling whole and centered, you tend to carry this mindset into everything you do and every conversation you have. This is especially helpful when you are forced to work through a difficult life situation, or deal with difficult relationships.

Although you can’t change every situation or relationship you're involved in, you can always change your response to them but that needs to be done by your innate self correcting ability. And that's where a morning loving-kindness meditation works wonders! This is how it works:

When I rise, the first thing I do is give acknowledge to my surroundings and the spirit that created it, myself, my plants I water them and give them my love, and I find a reason to laugh all while I'm doing what ever necessary that needs to be done.

Affirmations, you can find or think up some good empowering affirmations to say to yourself, I always like to stand in front of my mirror and tell myself I'm the Incredible Hulk (hahaha), but seriously, find 2 or 3 even 4 affirmations easy to remember that will support you in the direction of where your heading and you want to drop them in 3 parts.

The first part is the I am statement.

I am happy
I am love
I am successful
I am at ease
I am great

Then read it again at least two more times. Let it sink in.

I say read but I mean read and remember them so you can say them from your heart.

The 2nd part, use someone you love (perhaps your mom) as the subject: this time in the 'May my' form

May my mom be happy
May my mom be healthy
May my mom be safe
May my mom be at ease
May my mom be loved

or just may my loved ones be

Again, let it sink in. Embrace these statements. Visualize them. 

Now, for a more difficult one the 3rd part. Use someone you have a difficult relationship with as the subject (let's say his/her name is Joe).

May Joe be happy
May Joe be healthy
May Joe be safe
May Joe be at ease
May Joe be loved

Remember, what you focus on you see more of in your life. Simple example, when I focused more on smiling to others I saw more of others smiling back.

The very first morning I did this loving-kindness meditation with my biological mother (who I didn’t have a good relationship with) as the third (hard part) subject, tears poured down my face. But by the time I was 30 days into practicing this consistently as a daily ritual, I felt a lot better—a weight had been gradually lifted within me—and her indirect presence in my life no longer drove me to tears. And, of course, I felt more love towards myself and others, too.

This is just one example of a tiny, life-changing daily ritual that I practiced and now is an automatic thing that sets up my day for a great day. And don't get it twisted bad days still come however they come and go so easily and quickly that sometimes I hardly notice that they had occurred.

Oh don't forget to leave some room for music play some music and let your heart skip to the beat as you make breakfast or your pre-workout stuff.

I like to head to the gym as part of my daily routine as well, a healthy body can only lead to a healthy mind.

So, are you willing to spend a little time every day like most people won’t, so you can spend the better part of your life like most people can’t?

And of course if you're struggling, you're not alone. We all go through our own struggle from time to time at some point in our lives, but I can help. Drop me a message and we can have a chat.

Truly caring for you

Big luv Nas.



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