The implications of the inside out nature of mind.
Hi all hope your weeks been going good so far, tonight I wanted to share with you guy's the implications of having a deeper understanding of the inside out nature of mind..
The principles behind clarity.
This understanding as it deepens really puts life and everyday things into a different light, here are a few implication.
Implication 1 You can’t be a victim of circumstance, As you realize that its impossible for you to be a victim of circumstance you become less likely to look to the outside world for security, approval and validation. Fearing to fail and having a fear of criticism reveal themselves to be all bark and no bite.
It becomes easier to take calculated risk, freedom from confusion about where your well being comes from, you become more care free, enjoying yourself and having more fun as you experiment and explore. As you take action you take responsibility for creating the kind of results that you want or desire.
Implication 2 your wired for this existence, your an insight machine
As you come to rely on your innate capacity for realization you start trusting that your gonna have the insights that you need when you need them.
This innate capacity for realization is the source of innovative solutions to problems..
It allows you to see ‘the elusive obvious’, both at the micro-scale, and at the macro-scale of massive vision and purpose. Reality is changing fast, so it can be a huge relief to discover that you’re built to have fresh new perceptions that bring you more closely into alignment with that reality as it evolves.
Implication 3 we live in a separate reality
As you begin to see that we all live in our own generated thought perception of reality the whole domain of other people becomes simplified, you start finding it easier to see things from others perception to connect with them and get their world while staying true to yourself. Being able to understand what other people are up against is an entrepreneurial superpower, that allows you to identify opportunities, influence others, create solutions and get clients
Implication 4 Your always connected to everyone and everything.
As you realize that your always connected to your true self, to other people and to the whole of life. You discover that your an inherent part of this creative, evolutionary intelligence.
The only thing that every obscures this fact is contaminated thinking arising from the outside in misunderstanding, Your dreams, desires and aspirations exist for a reason. Your part of life and you always have been, as you relax into the truth of this, you become more available to wisdom, realization and common sense, feeling connected to who you really are, to other people and to life itself start becoming the norm.
Implication 5, your mind is a self correcting system
As you continue realizing your minds self correcting nature, youll find yourself falling out of contaminated thinking and waking up to reality more and more quickly and easily, as you come to rely on this most powerful capacity you’ll spend less time in unnecessary hesitation, worry and conflict. The result of this unburdening is greater agility and awareness, decision making becomes easier as your are freed from the misinformation of the outside in misunderstanding.
Implication 6 your built for reality and optimized for results
Your a born learner with an extraordinary ability to sense choose and take action in fact the vast majority of actions you take each day eg ( walking talking reading you do without even thinking about it because of the debt of your embodied understanding as your understanding of the principles behind clarity increases, you become more present and aware with less on your mind. As a result your going to find yourself sensing choosing and acting more fully in alignment with what truly matters with you. This is the path to the kind of experience and results truly worth having.
Implication 7 your conception of reality is not reality: Now is reality
While it can be wonderful to envision the future it doesn't actually exist, our ideas of the future are not reality they never include the totality of our innate capacities and of who we really are. As a result we often overlook a simple fact.
Your built for reality of the present moment
when the future arrives it will be the present moment
the reality your built for here and now.
People often ask me why aren't we born knowing this? But we are the average 4 year old is far more psychologically healthy’ than their parents or siblings, intuitively embodying many of the qualities listed above, the issue is that were conditioned in believing in a non reality, the illusory la la land of the outside in misunderstanding, this is why children are more entrepreneurial than most adults and its great news why?
As you deepen your understanding of the principals behind clarity you reignite your entrepreneurial instincts.
This was taken from the book results written by jamie Smart, chapter 15 ignite your entrepreneurial instincts.
Truly caring for you big luv Nas.
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