What You Do consistently over and over is what will Define You
I cant emphasis enough how important it is your daily rituals.
Regardless of your unique talents, knowledge, and life circumstances, I hear it all the time amongst other music enthusiast who talk about how much better they are than other artist they hear or see and how they wouldn't go on shows like x-factor or the voice etc, its not how good you are necessarily but what you do on a daily basis that get you to where you want to get to. It's not how you personally define success and happiness, Here's the thing, you don’t suddenly become successful and happy. You become successful and happy over time based on the daily rituals you choose to do and your willingness to try again and again, and of course with the right thinking—to create little daily rituals that amass little bits of progress is the epicenter of my life, through thick and thin.
So, what do your little daily rituals look like?
This is something you really have to sort out, and get consistent with, what’s right for you on a daily basis! Because failure occurs in the exact same way. All your little daily failures (those that you don’t learn and grow from) come together and cause you to fail big. Think in terms of running a business…
- You keep failing to check the books.
- You keep failing to make the calls.
- You keep failing to listen to your customers.
- You keep failing to innovate.
- You keep failing to do the little things that need to be done.
Now, think about how this relates to your life because your life is your “business!”
So remind yourself that the vast majority of the results in your life—positive and negative alike—are the product of many small decisions made over time. The little things you do today, and tomorrow, and the next day, most definitely matter!
Too often people overestimate the significance of one big defining moment and underestimate the value of making good decisions and small steps of progress on a daily basis. Don’t be one of them!
How do you eat an elephant? in small chunks......
Now we all struggle with something in our lives, everything we do will have an impact on our lives at some point. The beautiful thing is that you get to choose what type of impact it will have so if you don't work out and continue to eat junk then boom you will gain weight, if you exercise consistently and eat healthy then boom you will shape up.
So if you feel you need a little encouragement get in touch I'd love to talk to you.
Truly caring for you big luv Nas.
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