The importance of controlling thoughts,

The importance of controlling thoughts,

I had a dream this morning, for the first time in maybe 38 yrs. I’m having a bad dream.

It occurred right around 4 am in the morning, I remember the actual moment or at least when I woke up it felt like it happened in maybe a 20 minute slot, I do remember I was enjoying my dream as I always do whenever I do have a dream, sometimes my dreams are challenges and I often wake up in the morning pondering and looking for a lesson.

I was in bed it was dark but for a slight light glowing through the crack of the door from it being open, suddenly the door slam shut and it wasn’t pitch black dark as I could see two really skinny arms and hands in the air sort of like Freddy Kruger coming towards the bottom of my bed and as it approached I thought to myself if I make a louder warrior roar than it perhaps it will actually be scared of me.

I roared quite loud and woke up; my partner next to me rubs my shoulder and quickly calmed me.

That may not seem like a big deal of a dream to some but to me there are two lessons.

1: controlling of thoughts, when one loses control of his thoughts, this is like leaving your front door wide open with fresh meat in the hallway in the middle of a pack of Lions, you can imagine what that could be right?

Once an influence has entered your mind, this in return slowly with consistent, persisting momentum become an habitual thought, now here’s the issue, obviously depending on the energy this thought or idea carries, it will then determine the type of energy it will reciprocate, give back, negative or positive. So understanding this, we then begin to speak it out, action it out and not realizing or being aware that this thought or idea has now infested our subconscious mind.

It will feel normal although not right and will play itself out in one way or another like frustration, anger, annoyance, anything negative and unfair, I have often heard say things like why me, I’m a good person why is this happening to me.

Understanding the consequences and ramifications of not controlling ones thoughts will then cause one to will more power to want to control and begin thinking the thoughts that one really desires for self. This of course depends on how badly you desire to change your current situation. I don’t know if it is at all possible to %100 control ones thoughts and actually I’m sure it is, otherwise that would contradict my belief.

It is a challenge and it takes practice to be able to control at least most of our thoughts however, implementing certain principles will enable you to do so in a short period of time.

The 2nd lesson Id like to share with you is more for self confidence, being pushed into a corner we very rarely have time to actually think, the thinking comes from the subconscious in the form of what they call fight or flight mode, now in my dream I, although felt fear, faced the fear anyway mostly because I did not have a choice but I decided to roar and in essence act crazier than my demon. In any given situation when faced with something we struggle with, perhaps public speaking, speaking in front of a classroom, performing in front of an audience I’m sure you get the picture, for me the best cure in these situations is to do it anyway, we may mess up, fumble, freeze, forget lines whatever, the truth is the more we face our fears anyway, the stronger we will become and in return turn them fears into strengths and confidence, its like an exercise the more you work your muscles eventually they start to get stronger and protrude with definition.

The first hurdle is always the hardest, the getting started and also the next  level of challenge the 2nd hardest part is what I call the relapse hurdle/stage, this part is the hardest as well. You know the stage, the stage where you’re doing well you’ve passed the 3 month mark then you wake up and all of a sudden you’re overwhelmed with weakness, if you have tried anything that you are not accustomed to doing you should be able to relate, again don’t let it take you down, don’t beat yourself up just as the song says pick yourself up dust yourself off and try again.

Its amazing at what you can get from a dream so sweet dreams and if you desire to learn to control your thoughts speak to me Ill give you an exercise that will help.

Truly caring for you .


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