Get this and you will be liberated forever.

When you encounter a challenge in your life, or when something unfortunate happens, are you making a bad situation worse?
Well, you are if you’re:
Blaming someone
Shaming someone (including yourself)
Complaining about it a lot
I have a friend who the other day I had to stop him in his tracks and just gently remind him that his habitual thoughts lead to his everyday coming home from work complaining about someone at his job or the management of his job.
were you thinking just now? Just before you started reading this?
Were you thinking that you can relate to the headline? Something about feeling stressed and unhappy? Maybe what happened earlier today has caused you to be melancholy or anxious.
You gained a few pounds.
Your co-worker/supervisor didn't show you how to do something.
Your kid got in trouble at school.
You lost money.
A major appliance such as your oven broke at your house.
And now you’re sitting there, lost in thought, feeling anything BUT peaceful and content. Your thoughts are bouncing around your head like a bad check, zapping your energy and of course bringing you down:
My kid is going to fail in life.
Am I a bad parent.
I should change careers.
I’m too old to do that.
That’s also why I’ll never lose the weight.
My age, Getting old sucks.
I’ll never get a job that pays well. either.
And I’ve lost money in the stock market this year.
Oh, and my partner doesn’t understand me, he/she is always complaining.
They probably don’t even love me anymore.
I guess I’ll never be enough.
Sounds funny, doesn’t it? What a bunch of balloon juice downer!
Even if you weren’t having any of those specific thoughts before you arrived at this article, chances are, you’ve had days when your mood has been brought down by something you’re thinking.
The quality of your daily experience of life is greatly affected by your thoughts.
The problem is, you’re not even consciously aware of this. Your thoughts—like many of the things you do throughout the day—are based on habitual patterns, learned in childhood and perpetuated and reinforced throughout your adult years.
Time and time again I point it out and the person responds with nooooo you don't understand, let me explain. Hahaha
If you want to be happier in life, then you’re going to have to take a closer look at your habitual patterns of thought.
And then work on changing them rather than perpetuating them.
This is no easy task trust me, I've been working on myself for years and still am as there is no ending to growth, spiritual growth that is, so I have to come to realise that we all struggle with 3 basic misunderstandings, the first one a big one is a misunderstanding of where our feelings and experience is coming from, the 2nd big one, a misunderstanding of who we really are, and the third big one is a misunderstanding of what we're up to in life.
So, lets have it, a misunderstanding of where our feelings are coming from.
1 Where do you believe your feelings are coming from?
This question had me stoked for a little while as I, like everyone else attributed my feelings to an outside source/circumstance or situation, my health, my relationship, my finances or I thought, they were letting me know about some future event or someone in my past and what they did to me.
Thats exactly what I'd been believing which left me hanging out in the infamous words of Jamie Smart some la la land, an imaginary world which we all visit from time to time. A world were we believe our feelings can tell us about something other than THOUGHT in the present moment.
Heres the good news, it doesn't work that way, it never has and it never will, we live in a thought generated perception/reality and thats it.
Our feelings are giving us feedback about the type of goggles or glasses your currently wearing not what your looking at.
The moment I realised this my life as I knew it was transformed, it didn't make me feel any better, but I understood and was no more confused as to where my feelings were coming from results.
So for me, began a beautiful journey of thought, mind and consciousness, practice, affirm, change, better quality thoughts, breed better quality experience or feelings.
When we drift out of reality into an unreality we fall victim to contaminated thinking, toxic thoughts and we lose touch with common sense and wisdom, but the moment we fall out of our contaminated thinking and into the present moment the way forward is clear and the next step becomes obvious.
Now understand that this next step could be anything, it could be to just press on forward with what your doing, or the next step could be to change direction and leave well alone. The next step could be to take a rest, relax and maybe watch some tv, or if your an artist like myself sometimes the next sep is to just to wait for inspiration.
But, whatever it is know that this state of innate self correcting capacity is what we call Clarity, no mind or no contamination or confusion of whats happening in the moment.
2 Who we really are, who do you think you really are?, your name, what you do, where your from, who we really are is the infinite intelligence and creative potential of life, the formless principles of THOUGHT, CONSCIOUNESS and MIND. Your authentic desires are an expression of that infinite intelligence and creative potential. There is an intelligence and wisdom in you and your desires. Jamie Smart Results pg.89
Who we really are is that that created us, CONSCIOUNESS 700 billion individual expressions of one thing, the no thing, the space between you and that in front of you, the space between your fingers, the thing that holds us all together as a frequency or vibration. CONSCIOUNESS, the experience principle, consciousness refers to our capacity to have or feel an experience of thought taking form in the moment, consciousness brings our thought generated reality to life.
Once we realize who we really are, life no longer feels like a struggle, we create the struggle mentally and once we realize this we are then liberated from the misunderstanding of where our feelings and experience is coming from.
3 What are you up to in life, the amount of times I've heard the expression, I'm looking for myself, I'm a bit lost and tyrngofind myself, what most people fail ti realise is that WHAT THEIR LOOKING FOR IS WHATTHEIR LOOKING WITH.
SydneyBanks a Scottish welder self proclaimed philosopher had a profind enlightenment experience in 1974, and insightfully realized that there are principles behind human psychology, Here are some of his words, if you're searching for happiness: if you're searching for tranquillity, if you're searching just to have a nice, peaceful, loving, understanding life, in actual fact you're searching for yourself, your inner self.
Whatever you may believe you've been searching for until now, what you've really been seeking is your inner self, what you've been looking for is what you've been looking with, you are the light.
We are never lost, and when you actually think about that concept its quite silly really because it brings us back to where do you think that feeling of lost expereience is coming from? Wearing feeling lost goggles and I'm willing to bet you dont actually feel that way all the time, its just maybe when we reflect or life begins getting a bit overloaded with things to do when things arent going your way, I'm feeling lost, I need to maybe go on a retreat to find myself, I need to meditate to find myself or do some yoga, and while all these things are great, this is such a big misunderstanding but once we realise this then your never lost just look in the mirror, what your looking for is what your looking with.
Were all searching for our inner selves but only a few of us realise it consciously.
if you feel that you are struggling with these 3 basicmisundertandings know that many of us do and we're all striving to be
better so your not alone.
Big Luv Nas Namaste
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