6 Toxic habits to elliminate....
You know when you got to drive to an
unfamiliar place, so you "ok google take me to" and the directions pop up and you begin your journey.
You're blasting your favorite playlist from your phone through the car stereo while simultaneously watching your GPS spit out directions and you know, you turn the volume down on the gps voice because its so annoying cutting in and out as you're listening to your music. You can just watch the directions on your phone or your Tom Tom screen right!?.
You suddenly get to that one part of the route that’s a tad bit confusing, so what do you do? you lower the volume on your stereo even though it really has no direct impact on the way you see the directions?
That is your life. That radio noise you need to cut out to concentrate? That’s the needless, energy-sucking noise in your head.
Turning down the radio in the car re-energizes your mind and offers you clarity when you need it most. You don’t really think about how or why this makes such a huge difference, you just know that it does.
Now here this, it’s time to apply this same principle to all that other noise in your life, starting with the noise in your head.
But how?
The first step is to eliminate toxic, energy-sucking habits that support this noise. Bare in mind its a slow process as it takes on average they say about 28 days to replace an old habit however its your life so you need to start replacing.
Here are six such habits to eliminate:
1. Pretending like everything is OK when it isn’t. – Do you feel overwhelmed? Do you feel like giving up? There’s honestly no shame in it. You are not a robot; and even if you were, you’d still need to stop for maintenance sometimes. There’s no shame in admitting to yourself that you feel exhausted, doubtful, and low. Once I made a decision to open up honestly about myself it felt like a weight had been taken off of my shoulders. This is a natural part of being human. The simple fact that you are aware of this means you are able to turn things around. It’s okay to fall apart for a little while. You don’t always have to pretend to be strong, and there’s no need to constantly prove that everything is going well. You shouldn’t be concerned with what other people are thinking either – cry if you need to – it’s healthy to shed your tears. The sooner you do, the sooner you'll be able to smile again.
2. Letting pain from the past devastate the present. – I am stronger because of the hard times, wiser because of my mistakes, and happier because I have known sadness. The same is true for you. Every difficult conversation you have includes someone who is teaching you something about yourself. Every difficult situation contains an opportunity for deeper self-reflection and learning, I cant express this enough. Every irritant, heartbreak, frustration, disappointment, fearful moment and sadness is a teacher. Remember, nothing is as bad as it seems. Nothing. There's a benefit and a blessing hidden in between the sheets of every experience and every outcome. So don't you even think about giving up on today because of the way things looked yesterday. Every day is a new day to try again.
3. Resisting change and growth. – You must consistently check with yourself and ask: “Am I committed to feeling good, or am I committed to growing?” Because growth does not always feel good, and feeling good does not always provide growth. Neither one is wrong, as long as there is balance. The important thing is to remember that being uncomfortable is important too, so you must be willing to come out of your comfort zone and this discomfort often arrives right on time. Don’t avoid it – embrace it. Channel your energy into progress. All growth begins at the end of your comfort zone. When you’re feeling uncomfortable, know that the change taking place in your life is a beginning, not an ending. For me when I feel this growth happening it becomes exciting for me because I am aware I am in the midst of growth and look forward to the subconscious behavior I have now learned.
4. Worrying and worrying and worrying and never taking action. – Worry is the biggest enemy of the present moment. I remember in my early twenties talking to my mom and I didn't even have knowledge of what I have now but I use to say mom, worrying does nothing but steal your joy and keep you very busy doing absolutely nothing at all. It's like using your imagination to create things you don’t want. Break this negative habit! It is far better to be exhausted from effort than to be tired of doing nothing but worrying. Don't waste your effort avoiding effort. Go ahead and get it done. Today, ask yourself what is really important and then have the courage to build your day around your answer.
5. Sacrificing all of your Self for everyone else. – Don’t sacrifice yourself too much, this one is a big lesson for me because if you don't, there will be very little self left that you can give to those you love dearly. Whenever you feel trapped and it’s difficult to breathe, let me remind you – don’t forget to secure your own oxygen mask first. Taking care of yourself does not make you selfish; it makes you selfless. In fact, it’s the truest form of selflessness one can experience. Only through attentive self-care can you care for others. In order to truly have a loving, supportive relationship with someone else, you need to learn how to be your own best friend first. It’s all about falling in love with yourself first and sharing that love with others who appreciate you, rather than looking for love to compensate for a self-love deficit.
6. Taking everything personally. – This one rings so true with me and means a lot, I see so many people trapped within their own minds because they cant see things form another point of view, understand there is a huge amount of freedom that comes to you when you take nothing personally.
And rarely do people do things because of you anyway. They do things because of them. So even when it seems personal, it probably isn’t. Remember this. And when you find yourself feeling angry, heartbroken, or victimized by the actions of another, see if you can you find within you any seed of softness, some place deep within that understands how much pain that person must be in, how burdened their soul must be, how devastatingly hardened they must be in their heart in order to behave in a way that is surely out of alignment with their own integrity.
I hope these things are helpful towards making changes for your now present future.
Truly caring for you
manifesting miracles Click Here!
You're blasting your favorite playlist from your phone through the car stereo while simultaneously watching your GPS spit out directions and you know, you turn the volume down on the gps voice because its so annoying cutting in and out as you're listening to your music. You can just watch the directions on your phone or your Tom Tom screen right!?.
You suddenly get to that one part of the route that’s a tad bit confusing, so what do you do? you lower the volume on your stereo even though it really has no direct impact on the way you see the directions?
That is your life. That radio noise you need to cut out to concentrate? That’s the needless, energy-sucking noise in your head.
Turning down the radio in the car re-energizes your mind and offers you clarity when you need it most. You don’t really think about how or why this makes such a huge difference, you just know that it does.
Now here this, it’s time to apply this same principle to all that other noise in your life, starting with the noise in your head.
But how?
The first step is to eliminate toxic, energy-sucking habits that support this noise. Bare in mind its a slow process as it takes on average they say about 28 days to replace an old habit however its your life so you need to start replacing.
Here are six such habits to eliminate:
1. Pretending like everything is OK when it isn’t. – Do you feel overwhelmed? Do you feel like giving up? There’s honestly no shame in it. You are not a robot; and even if you were, you’d still need to stop for maintenance sometimes. There’s no shame in admitting to yourself that you feel exhausted, doubtful, and low. Once I made a decision to open up honestly about myself it felt like a weight had been taken off of my shoulders. This is a natural part of being human. The simple fact that you are aware of this means you are able to turn things around. It’s okay to fall apart for a little while. You don’t always have to pretend to be strong, and there’s no need to constantly prove that everything is going well. You shouldn’t be concerned with what other people are thinking either – cry if you need to – it’s healthy to shed your tears. The sooner you do, the sooner you'll be able to smile again.
2. Letting pain from the past devastate the present. – I am stronger because of the hard times, wiser because of my mistakes, and happier because I have known sadness. The same is true for you. Every difficult conversation you have includes someone who is teaching you something about yourself. Every difficult situation contains an opportunity for deeper self-reflection and learning, I cant express this enough. Every irritant, heartbreak, frustration, disappointment, fearful moment and sadness is a teacher. Remember, nothing is as bad as it seems. Nothing. There's a benefit and a blessing hidden in between the sheets of every experience and every outcome. So don't you even think about giving up on today because of the way things looked yesterday. Every day is a new day to try again.
3. Resisting change and growth. – You must consistently check with yourself and ask: “Am I committed to feeling good, or am I committed to growing?” Because growth does not always feel good, and feeling good does not always provide growth. Neither one is wrong, as long as there is balance. The important thing is to remember that being uncomfortable is important too, so you must be willing to come out of your comfort zone and this discomfort often arrives right on time. Don’t avoid it – embrace it. Channel your energy into progress. All growth begins at the end of your comfort zone. When you’re feeling uncomfortable, know that the change taking place in your life is a beginning, not an ending. For me when I feel this growth happening it becomes exciting for me because I am aware I am in the midst of growth and look forward to the subconscious behavior I have now learned.
4. Worrying and worrying and worrying and never taking action. – Worry is the biggest enemy of the present moment. I remember in my early twenties talking to my mom and I didn't even have knowledge of what I have now but I use to say mom, worrying does nothing but steal your joy and keep you very busy doing absolutely nothing at all. It's like using your imagination to create things you don’t want. Break this negative habit! It is far better to be exhausted from effort than to be tired of doing nothing but worrying. Don't waste your effort avoiding effort. Go ahead and get it done. Today, ask yourself what is really important and then have the courage to build your day around your answer.
5. Sacrificing all of your Self for everyone else. – Don’t sacrifice yourself too much, this one is a big lesson for me because if you don't, there will be very little self left that you can give to those you love dearly. Whenever you feel trapped and it’s difficult to breathe, let me remind you – don’t forget to secure your own oxygen mask first. Taking care of yourself does not make you selfish; it makes you selfless. In fact, it’s the truest form of selflessness one can experience. Only through attentive self-care can you care for others. In order to truly have a loving, supportive relationship with someone else, you need to learn how to be your own best friend first. It’s all about falling in love with yourself first and sharing that love with others who appreciate you, rather than looking for love to compensate for a self-love deficit.
6. Taking everything personally. – This one rings so true with me and means a lot, I see so many people trapped within their own minds because they cant see things form another point of view, understand there is a huge amount of freedom that comes to you when you take nothing personally.
And rarely do people do things because of you anyway. They do things because of them. So even when it seems personal, it probably isn’t. Remember this. And when you find yourself feeling angry, heartbroken, or victimized by the actions of another, see if you can you find within you any seed of softness, some place deep within that understands how much pain that person must be in, how burdened their soul must be, how devastatingly hardened they must be in their heart in order to behave in a way that is surely out of alignment with their own integrity.
I hope these things are helpful towards making changes for your now present future.
Truly caring for you
manifesting miracles Click Here!
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