
Showing posts from 2017

5 reasons its time to move on

Honestly, it happens to all of us gradually as we grow.  We discover more about who we are and what we want, and then we realize there are changes we need to make.  The lifestyle we’ve been living no longer fits.  The people we’ve been spending time with no longer see things the way we do.  So we cherish all the great memories, but find ourselves moving on to new chapters in our stories. I'm sure you have some reasons in mind already, but here are five more reasons it’s time to turn the page and move onward... 1.  You’ve been working tirelessly trying to control the uncontrollable. – What if, instead of pushing so hard to make life happen, you decided to let go a little and allow life to happen to you?  What if, instead of trying to always be in control, you sometimes surrendered control to something bigger than yourself?  What if, instead of working so hard to figure out every last answer, you allowed yourself to be guided to the soluti...

One question that will change your attitude when you cant change anything else.

So today as I'm traveling driving through London to my client in NW, it occurred to me that to a great extent, we create our fate every single day, and most of the ills we suffer from are directly traceable to our own (controllable) attitude. This is quite funny to me in the sense of I remember talking to a coach and she relinquished any responsibility for what she was going though at that time when we spoke. Life is packed full of uncontrollable events; in many situations the only thing we can control is the attitude we choose to respond with. I remember the whole police brutality thing that's been going on in the states, now I'm not saying every situation is like this however from some of the videos I saw I can say if a different attitude was given at the time of harassment possibly the situation would have turned out much differently. When you really take the time to think about it, everything happening around us is neutral and meaningless up until the point ...

2 Simple things Emotionally Strong People Practice Every Day

As I've gotten older some of the things that stand true and have really made a difference in my life has been understanding the importance of inner resilience. With enough emotional strength, with these 2 traits we can move our lives forward in incredible ways, despite the adversities we face. And you don’t have to be born emotionally strong. You can develop this vital trait with practice. Here are two key rituals that people with remarkable emotional strength, do day to day.  And I practice and do. 1.  They use love to fuel their drive to get the hard things done. Love has gotten me through some hard times that have really felt to me like I really couldn't be bothered to tackle. My sibling brother always says Love is the answer, you don't know how true that is. Life is not easy, which is why you have to do hard things to be happy in life. The things no one else is doing. The things that frighten you. The things others can’t do for you. The things that make you...

3 Reasons why we can still move on and create change.

Ready for another quick reality check? Making a change to your lifestyle can sometimes be the most pressured thought you can feel, why? habits can be tough to kill. One of my strongest challenges was making myself wake up at 5am to meditate and then take myself to the gym, I was way over weight and felt very uncomfortable in my skin. I resisted making this change for sometime, maybe 2 years or so. So yes, you may feel resistance, just as I did. And it may not be easy. But we all have to stretch out of our comfort zones and move our lives forward. The truth is and I say this time and time again, living is a risk. Happiness is a risk. If you’re not a little scared and uncomfortable sometimes, then you’re not doing it right. Don’t let mistakes and failures worry you, we need to worry about what you’re giving up when you don’t even try. Worry about the life you’re not living and the opportunities you’re letting go, as you merely exist in the safety of your comfort zone. I ...

You ever feel like you are not good enough?

Do you ever feel like you’re not good enough? I bet you do! And I know the feeling. We all doubt ourselves from time to time – it’s human nature. And the really crazy thing is, we think everyone else is doing better than us. But they aren’t. Every day we’re comparing apples with oranges – comparing our insides with other people’s outsides. In today’s society it’s even harder to keep things in perspective. Our lives are literally unfolding on Facebook, Instagram and Snapchat. We use these social networks, not surprisingly, to showcase the best parts of our lives: the beautiful weddings and enviable honeymoons, the finished projects, and the best smiles. But we forget that we’re only seeing everyone else’s highlight reel too – not the sleepless nights, the failed attempts, the moments of grief and self-doubt. When my partner and I split everyone around me said you guys looked so happy, yes looked. Sometimes the indirect pressure to compete and keep up — coming through so...

6 behaviours that push people away

So, I've been around the block more than a few times now and in my experience over the years I've come across some things that I feel push people away from you. I've witnessed the devastation these behaviors cause - to relationships, mine included, professional success, and to the well-being of both the individual behaving negatively, and to everyone in their life. We've all acted, lets say toxic from time to time. damaging ways at one time or another (none of us are immune to it), but many people are more evolved, balanced, and aware, and it happens only rarely in their lives. One day I was working in Debenhams in Manchester as the handy man changing light bulbs when, another guy, me and him being the only two black guys in the whole of Debenhams at that time he seemed like he would get really jealous every time he saw me talking to any of the girls there. One day he stepped into the freight elevator and decided to start with me unloading his toxic behavior on ...

You wanna shine but you dont wanna grind

We all want things in life. We all have dreams and desires. And we all have the potential to get more of what we want. However, most of us want the reward without the risk. The shine without the grind. The free lunch. But you can’t have a destination without a journey. And a journey always has costs – at the very least, you have to invest your time and energy into it every step of the way. The hard reality is this: If you want the benefits of something in life, you have to also want the costs. So, instead of thinking about what you want right now, first ask yourself: “What am I willing to give up to get it?” Or, for those inevitably hard days ahead: “What is worth suffering for?” Seriously, think about it... If you want the fit body, you have to also want the sore muscles, the sweat, the early mornings in the gym, and the healthy meals. If you want the successful business, you have to also want the late nights, the risky business deals and decisions, and the po...

One Thing Real Love Never does to you

This morning as I'm at the gym doing my almost daily grind :), Im thinking about my partner and just thinking about things real love never does to you. What does that even mean!! I came across this article from one of my emails and as I read it, it was as though it was coming from me, that meant I resonated with what it was saying. Id like to share it with you enjoy. The Girl in the Mirror She looks at herself in the full-length mirror that hangs from her bedroom wall.  Completely naked and exposed, yet confident.  She’s older than she was five years ago, but feels much younger.  And she thinks momentarily about the different men who held her in front of this mirror. They thought they possessed her.  They thought she was theirs.  Because she was in their arms, so delicate and sweet.  But really she possessed them.  Because she possesses the space in front of the mirror.  And the moments that occur there too. She gazes down at the...

Were do you believe your experience is coming from?

I was once told that I'm feeling my thoughts, what the heck does that mean I asked? you're always living in the feeling, of the principle of Thought. Sounds deep huh! When we discover the foundational laws or principles being nature or a fact of life, we find that they are constant. Look at gravity, it works one way: the earth always circles the sun not the other way so the statement You're always living in the feeling of the principle of Thought taking form in the moment is pointing to a constant: a fact of life. something you can rely on. This means that we're always living in the feeling of Thought in the moment. It means we're never going to feel anything other than Thought in the moment. While it may *seem* as though we could experience something other than Thought, the truth of the matter is that there are no exceptions. The single most useful question Ive ever learned to ask is this, where do i believe my experience is coming from  While the question ...

7 things to stop small misunderstandings in relationships

Now I don't claim to be a relationship expert and I do love being in a relationship and have been now in a relationship for almost a year with my new partner. I cant say that its easy as Iv always thought relationships if its the right one it should be easy, well news flash you still gotta put effort into it however I'm pretty sure there are some couples that have ultimately found that one and only whom their relationship is seemingly easy. I came across these 7 Mantras to stop small misunderstanding written by Marc Chernoff and so I thought I'd borrow them and share with you all. So the story begins like this. This past December a busy attorney named Valentina and her 10-year-old son, Marco, moved into their new home in New England.  The winter season was already in full effect, and a massive snowstorm swept through the area the morning after they moved, closing all the schools. Although young students like Marco suddenly had the day off from school, Valentina ...

4 Little habits that steal our happiness

Here's a thing, you ultimately become what you repeatedly do, so therefore If your habits aren’t helping you, then they’re hurting you. It’s time to learn from your mistakes rather than be conquered by them, and let your errors be of commission rather than omission. 1 Putting up with the exact daily displeasure's. You cannot stop what has already happened, but you can let it make you stronger and more determined. Looking back at what has been you have two choices, either let it brake you or let it make you The journey to spiritual maturity requires that you review the events in your life to find the wisdom and purpose they contain.  A time comes in your life when you finally get it.  When in the midst of all your fears and old hurts you stop dead in your tracks and somewhere, the voice inside your head cries out – “ENOUGH!” This moment is the turning point that leads you to success and happiness.  So as we draw closer to the new you lets close the door on o...

6 Toxic habits to elliminate....

You know when you got to drive to an unfamiliar place, so you "ok google take me to" and the directions pop up and you begin your journey. You're blasting your favorite playlist from your phone through the car stereo while simultaneously watching your GPS spit out directions and you know, you turn the volume down on the gps voice because its so annoying cutting in and out as you're listening to your music. You can just watch the directions on your phone or your Tom Tom screen right!?. You suddenly get to that one part of the route that’s a tad bit confusing, so what do you do? you lower the volume on your stereo even though it really has no direct impact on the way you see the directions? That is your life.  That radio noise you need to cut out to concentrate?  That’s the needless, energy-sucking noise in your head. Turning down the radio in the car re-energizes your mind and offers you clarity when you need it most. You don’t really think about how or w...

suffering in paradise

So this morning I had a slight situation. The trains were not running from Wimbledon and I had to get to a client in Isleworth for a workshop to review the next steps for our client. Once I found out the trains were not running I texted my colleagues and went back home thinking I may as well make a bad situation good and make the most of the day with my partner. As soon as I got home my colleague called me and basically reamed me out, these clients rely on our ability to stay consistent with our efforts and unless there's a terrorist attack and all roads are blocked, or if there is a death or you're really to ill to come in it is you're responsibility to get to the workshop rather than watch it via Skype or video. The lesson I took from that came in the quote I came across in an email from Jamie Smart.  “As long as you think that the cause of your problem is “out there” —as long as you think that anyone or anything is responsible for your suffering— ...

Understanding life’s ups and downs.

One of the great gifts of life is, life’s ups and down, I remember when I first came across the law of attraction, it was 2005 and I was in what some may have called a moment of weakness. I wasn’t working and I was looking for a way to make money online so I could support my family when this letter came in the mail. I began reading this letter and it read, something like, how would you like to have anything you want at the drop of a thought, what if I told you, you have your own personal genie wow right, the book was called The Secret. I decided I wanted to read this book; the price of the book was $150, to some it may not be much however to us at that time we had little to no money in our pot. There was only one of us working at any given time while the other stayed home with our at the time two beautiful daughters Asia and Lauren we had 1 more child after that, I spoke to my wife and said babe: I wanna buy this book however it cost $150, now my wife is big on...

How to change what you can control (your negative attitude)

Most of our stress comes from the way we respond to a situation or moment, not the way life is. And when you change your attitude, all that extra stress, is gone. There is a real opportunity in every difficult situation to understand yourself more deeply, and also to improve your life. In every situation, there is a negative and there is a positive even when it feels all negative. I encourage you to reflect on past situations where you’ve felt let down – where life’s outcomes were nowhere near as good as you expected. Rather than focusing on the uncontrollable things that were “done to you,” consider instead your part in what went down. For example, perhaps your gut told you not to do something, but you did so anyway. Or maybe you were deceived a second time by the same person, and wish you had let go of the relationship sooner. Or perhaps you just weren’t paying attention and ended up missing out on a great opportunity. I remember a situation when I was living upstate N...

The importance of controlling thoughts,

The importance of controlling thoughts, I had a dream this morning, for the first time in maybe 38 yrs. I’m having a bad dream. It occurred right around 4 am in the morning, I remember the actual moment or at least when I woke up it felt like it happened in maybe a 20 minute slot, I do remember I was enjoying my dream as I always do whenever I do have a dream, sometimes my dreams are challenges and I often wake up in the morning pondering and looking for a lesson. I was in bed it was dark but for a slight light glowing through the crack of the door from it being open, suddenly the door slam shut and it wasn’t pitch black dark as I could see two really skinny arms and hands in the air sort of like Freddy Kruger coming towards the bottom of my bed and as it approached I thought to myself if I make a louder warrior roar than it perhaps it will actually be scared of me. I roared quite loud and woke up; my partner next to me rubs my shoulder and quickly...

Having Clarity of mind, having clarity of understanding

How many times have you experienced being totally clear in the mind, clarity? from time to time we all get this sense of clarity in the present moment, where we know exactly whats going on and we are free from mind clutter or contaminated thoughts. This state of mind is regularly enjoyed by artist, musicians, athletes, rappers etc, its called being in flow and im sure there are many words to describe as we all experience this at some point in our lives some more than others in different ways and at different time in our lives. Clarity is sorta like love its whimsical; no one has it all the time. Having clarity of understanding is the degree to which you insight-fully understand the inside-out nature of reality;  the realisation that 100% of your felt life experience is coming from THOUGHT in the moment.  Depending on the types of books that you read ca...