Your feeling thought in the moment.

I'm Nasir Brown,
I work as an ABA Therapist by day, transformational coach, musician, writer of poetry and many other things I may be unaware of at this point in my life by now.:)
My passion is being of value aiding and guiding people towards
developing themselves generally.
I work in Autism as an aba therpist which is, applied behaviour analyst, this works by applying the principles of behaviour to socially important situations. I
have an embodied grounding in autism and continuelly leaning towards the understanding of the principles of thought being generated from moment to moment. And while not currently study the Clarity coaching by Jamie Smarte I am a part of the community and offer
change work that will address all 3 misunderstandings which are,
1 a misunderstanding of who you really are
2 a misunderstanding of where your
feelings/experience is coming from
3 a misunderstanding of what your up to in
So today I wanted to share with you a session I was having with a 10yr
old boy with autism, this boy is what we might call severely or low
functioning on the autism spectrum however, he understands and can use
complex language very well.
When I first joined the program I did my usual observe and intake of the
programs and habitual things that may unintentionally reinforce
unwanted behaviour, the last therapist that I'll be taking over from was
doing her bit in the hand over process explaining whats going on, where
the child is at and the programs that I will continue to teach and help
the child see himself through his autism to learn functional and
socially acceptable skills.
So I arrive at the clients house about 930am, this would be the 2nd time
I'm meeting him, and because we had a good report in our first meeting
he was quite excited to see me, so that morning he wanted to play
around, have a little bit of fun which is normal before real work has
After our good mornings and how are we's his parent and therapist pulled
out the laptop and gave the child an Sd! discrimitive stimulus which is
basically a demand to begin his work, the child began to get up from
his chair walk away, clap his hands engaging in self stimilatory
behavior and his parent and therpaist were there trying to explain to
the child about his behavior why he shouldnt be acting that way why he
needs to do his work and you can imagine the rest of the stuff they were
saying to the child.
Now let me explain, with autism and ABA applied behavior analysis, when
it comes to dealing with behaviour, depending on the, what we call
antecedent, the reason or what happened before the behaviour occurred
will determine how and what we do to deal with the behavior which would
be the consequence, the science is the consequence of a behavior will
either increase or decrease the behavior being displayed so normally, we would put the
behavior on extinction which means we would ignore the behavior and
continue to follow through with the Sd or discrimitive stimulus
encouraging the child to do his work.
Standing there and having a full blown conversation for the next 20-30
mins actually reinforces the avoiding work behaviour because the child gets
to not do the work for longer period of time.
Of course this is not the case with with every single child with autism
however most cases the less said most of the times is the better, so,
I'm observing the therapist and parent and I'm noticing myself as I'm
looking on at how they are choosing to handle the situation, so I'm
getting a little annoyed as my aba head kicks in and I'm thinking the
antecedent behaviour consequence.
So the child's parent says to the child Johnny can you please explain the reason for this behavior?
he begins typing on his ipad but it was slow inconsistent making no
sense and I kept taking my hand and blocking his stimilatory behavior
which was his clapping his hands while he was trying to type.
Every time I blocked his hand he began biting the fleshy part just below
his thumb and you could see teeth marks and bruising from previous
attempts to self harm, I was getting more annoyed as it wasn't working but
making matters worse when all of a sudden it occurred to me in that
moment where do you think your feelings are coming from? (my annoyed feelings)
Oohh silly me I thought my feelings were coming from Johnny trying to
avoid dong his work and not type. In that moment I fell right out of my
head and stopped trying then something inside me led me to just throw up
a friendly high five and he high five'd me back and not only did he
high five me back he took a hold of my hand and I was able to direct his
hand back to typing, and in each moment he engaged in stimilatory
behavior i did the same thing and his behavior began to decrease and he
got through his typing with little to no more interruptions.
The more and more I understand the principle of thought and where our
feelings are coming from the more and more quicker my innate self correcting
system brings me back to reality and the understanding that I'm only
feeling thought in the moment and not the situation that the content of
my thoughts are pointing in the direction of.
When I was swimming in my contaminated thoughts of the situation I was
getting frustrated and bothered and even slightly aggressive however as
soon as my innate ability to self correct corrected my thoughts and
reminded me of where my feelings were coming from I fell out of my head
and what I needed was given to me when I needed it.
Autism - annoyed + clarity = results.
Truly caring for your success.
If you would like to talk more about the inside out nature of life please drop me an email or connect with me on Facebook.
Mobile: 07983424432
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