3 sexy character traits of happy people
Real sexiness is so much more than physical shape and form. It’s more than style and its more than wardrobe, its even more than attitude and visible swag. And it’s certainly more than the exposed skin to covered skin ratio depicted on today’s popular media channels.
We are increasingly in desperate need of a more enduring standard, one that includes more than face and body – one that includes the shape and form of internal qualities, those that add joy and passion to life, those of heart, mind and soul.
It's time to realize sexiness is more a state of mind – a collected, mindful state of being.
The Up-Close-and-Personal Principle
Have you ever seen someone across a crowded room you were immediately attracted to, approached them and got to know the person up close and personal, and then couldn’t remember for the life of you how you ever found them attractive?
On the other hand, have you met someone who had no particular appeal at first glance, and then after getting to know them you suddenly discovered pure sexiness oozing from their pores?
Deep, moving sexiness is more than mere physicality and more than swaying hips and pouty lips. It’s more than broad shoulders and six pack abs. While these are lovely things to have and can contribute to a visually pleasing allure the most enduring form of sexiness is the most endearing trait and the clearest mirror of the human soul: happiness.
It’s time we elevate happiness to its proper place in the sexiness pantheon by learning and applying these three character traits of happiness (and therefore sexiness):
I did pose the question to see what people would say and they came up with even more traits of sexiness in a persons character, so allow me to share with you what I feel is the most sexy character traits in a person is.
1. Consistent Self-Responsibility
Have you ever met a happy person who regularly avoids responsibility, blames and points fingers and makes excuses for their unsatisfying lives? Me either. Happy people accept responsibility for how their lives unfold. They believe their own happiness is a byproduct of their own thinking, beliefs, attitudes, character and behavior.
And just as happy people never blame others, external circumstances or the universe for what is or isn’t a part of their lives, sexy people don’t either. Just think about the epitome of the un-sexy: A whiny, sniveling, accusing, blaming, irresponsible victim of life. Not happy. Not sexy.
2. True (and Humble) Self-Confidence
Happiness requires a degree of confidence that allows us to believe we have value, that we are worthy of love and friendship and success. Happy people have faith in themselves and in their ability to develop the skills and qualities needed to become highly competent at living life well.
Keep in mind, though, that it’s not the pseudo-confidence that hides insecurities under cocky exteriors that shout their accomplishments and exaggerate their strengths and experiences. It’s a humble self-acceptance and self-love that genuinely feels comfortable in their own skin.
Not much is sexier than someone who humbly exudes self-confidence.
3. Self-Acceptance
This one for me is soooo important. Happy people are authentic. They are real and know who they are and what they like. They are in touch with their feelings and spend time learning and growing and developing. Self-accepting people may forgive themselves of their own shortcomings, but they don’t excuse them.
They look their weaknesses square in the eye, accept them as they are, then go to work growing and improving and transforming them into strengths.
One of the most laim excuses I hear from people is "this is just how I am or this is just the way I am".
Please for me that is an excuse for weak people.
Self-acceptance is never used as an excuse for stagnation or laziness or apathy by the truly self-accepting.
Someone with that kind of inner calm, self-awareness and forward momentum is almost universally considered sexy and attractive to others.
So there you have it, I hope this adds a little value to you.
And of course, if you're struggling with any of this, know that you are not alone.
So feel free to message me, I'd love to talk about it and perhaps get an insight on how we can achieve such character traits if you don't have them already. The first step to self realization and awareness is to be honest with ourselves.
Truly caring for you
email: aceabatutor@gmail.com
or just pm me on FB.
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