If You're Waiting For Something To Change, You'll Never Be Happy

Are you waiting for something to change before you can feel good about yourself?
Maybe you think:
"I'm too fat. Once I lose these 20 pounds, then I can like my body again."
"I'm not where I want to be in life. Once I get that promotion, then I can feel like I've accomplished something."
"My kid isn't doing well in school. Once we get her back on track, then I know I'm being a good parent."
"I hate being alone. Once I finally meet my life partner, then I can feel complete."
Did you know that whenever you have a thought like this, you are looking for a reason to love yourself?
And did you know that not loving yourself will keep you stuck in whatever conditions you don't want?
But wait a minute," you might say. "What's wrong with trying to be better? Aren't you supposed to be all about improvement?, self-improvement?"
Yes and no. Resisting what you're experiencing and rejecting yourself for it is actually the OPPOSITE of self-improvement. And it will also wreck your relationships. Here's why.

Your Inbox Is Never Empty - And You Don't Want It To Be!

Here's a fact of life:
Every day will bring up a fresh batch of new reasons not to love yourself just as you are.
You'll be late for work. You'll be tempted by a slice of cake - and give in. Your child will do something that infuriates you. You'll worry yourself sick over something that turns out to be nothing. You'll overpromise and not be able to deliver, thats me. Somebody else got promoted. Somebody else got the guy. Or the girl. You'll call a friend, and they don't call you back. You'll lose your temper. You'll have an argument with your partner.
Speaking of which, when you are in an intimate relationship with someone, you will ALWAYS be coming up against the next barrier to loving them. If you wait for things to be "perfect" between the two of you, you will never experience the purpose and joy of relationship - accepting and loving each other anyway.
In other words, you will never be able to clear your "inbox" of REASONS not to love. Life will keep presenting challenges to love - right up until you die. And the answer is always the same: love anyway.

A License to Love... And Live

Once you give yourself permission to love yourself exactly as you are - without tweaks or improvement - you set in motion a powerful effect:
  1. You free up all that energy you've been wasting in judging and rejecting yourself
  2. And...
  3. You're able to channel that energy into finding creative solutions for those "reasons" you thought you couldn't love yourself!
The same goes for relationships. Couples can spend years bickering over what they don't like about each other, but once they give in to mutual acceptance and love, they miraculously discover solutions to their problems.
 I'm no expert in relationships, but I feel I am becoming one in love.

Pay attention today to how many times you find reasons not to feel good about yourself and your relationship. Realize that this is a habit you've created, and it's also one I can help you break.
If there's any doubt in how to begin to love yourself, drop me a message, lets have a conversation, I'd like that :) Big Luv Nas...Namaste



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