How to Live the Law of Attraction

Having a conversation with a friend the other day just talking about how we create our lives with our higher consciousness and I asked her if she had heard of the law of attraction!

She said yes however she said it doesn't work, well well, actually it works all the time the trick is, how to live the law of attraction purposely, intentionally and deliberate. So I put this together as a little guide to living the law of attraction.

The first thing is quite difficult however for the most part if you can do these things you will become a deliberate manifester.
  1. Rid yourself of negative thoughts and feelings. Negativity will ultimately drive away the positive things you deserve, so you must learn how to erase your mind of anything negative. Quite honestly, this will require some practice, but it's worth it! You will never get rid of negative feelings and thoughts completely, its impossible and we are all human however we can lower the frequency of negative thoughts and feelings by replacing it with better thoughts, better feelings.

  • For example, if you find yourself standing in a long line and complaining about it, stop complaining and be thankful that you're well enough to stand in that line.
  • If you're five pounds short to purchase something and wishing you weren't so poor, turn that around to be thankful you have any money at all.

  • After you consciously do this enough times, it will become second nature. The more you focus on positive things, the more positive things you'll receive and vice versa.

  1. Surround yourself with those who think the same. Plain and simple, this means to hang out with positive people. If you spend enough time surrounded by negative people, you'll begin to complain, whine, and sulk over meaningless things, too.

  • Is there someone in your life that you admire because of his or her optimistic outlook? Then that person is someone you'll want to spend quality time with.

  • Engulf yourself in their happiness and positive karma, and you'll soon be upbeat and positive, too!

  1. Visualize what the future holds for you. We all hold hopes and dreams for our future. Whether we want a better job, a bigger house, a new car, or more money, we all wish and daydream for something.

  • Next time you daydream about that new house, actually visualize yourself in the house. Imagine exactly what the house looks like, your family watching television in the living room, and you making their favorite dish in the kitchen.
  • Visualization sends a positive signal out to the universe. If you practice it consistently, you'll be rewarded with what you desire.

  1. Learn to give thanks. Whether or not you realize it, you have much to be thankful for. It's extremely important that you take some quiet time to give thanks for all that has been given to you.

  • Truly search your soul and list everything you're grateful for. Don't do this haphazardly! Practice this each and every day, usually upon rising in the morning. As you keep doing this,you'll discover that you're receiving more and more to be thankful for.

The principles surrounding the Law of Attraction are quite straightforward. To live the Law of Attraction, you just need an open mind, a willing spirit and a bit of diligence. With these, you'll soon be praising the success of the Law of Attraction principles yourself.

And if you are struggling with this know that your not alone.

Truly caring for you.


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