Energy shifting exercise

Conflicts and the Law of Attraction.

Do you keep thinking about what happened? Do you mull it over and over and over in your head thinking about what a jerk they were? Do you stew over it or gossip to people about how wrong that person was? Do you replay the conflict in your head thinking about all the things you "should have said?" Do you vent to a trusted friend about it?

There is a difference between venting and gossiping about what happened. Venting is usually structured such that you may be telling someone about an experience you had and how you struggled with it as you are trying to piece it together for yourself and figure out what went wrong.

Gossiping is usually about making the other person wrong and finding someone who will "co-sign" your ideas or side with you. Venting is certainly a more responsible way to talk about what happened however both solutions actually lower your vibration. This is not to say that venting isn't important. It is a valuable tool that helps us process our feelings about situations that come up in our lives.

Here is another question to consider: How soon do you think about shifting your energy into a higher vibration when you are freshly out of a conflict with someone? The wisest thing you can do for yourself and the goals and dreams you are working toward is to look at the situation, see what you might have done differently (including perhaps enforcing appropriate and healthy boundaries with that person), vent to someone to "get it out of yourself" if needed and then start working on raising your vibration as high as possible through practicing joy, gratitude, love, happiness and any other higher vibrating emotions you can.

It's important to note that the things, situations and people you don't want in your life are helpful to you in that they provide contrast for what you DO want.

If you can begin to look at them from a place of unattached observing and say "Hmmm, yeah that's something I'm not interested in having in my life anymore" and then focus with strong feelings on the things you DO want, you will be moving quickly toward your goals and dreams!

Metta Meditation.

Metta literally means Unattached, Unconditional Kindness.

Use this simple meditation as often as you wish to create compassion for yourself or others. This meditation can be practiced in just a few minutes, so it's very easy to incorporate it into your daily life. And it restores your energetic vibration to the lovely higher place (where it's meant to be).

Sit in a comfortable position. Keep your back flat, the crown of your head lifted, shoulders relaxed and chest open. Rest your hands in your lap or on your knees. Close your eyes and begin to deepen your breath. Release any thoughts from your mind and silently repeat the following:

May I be safe from inner and outer harm,
May I be happy and peaceful of heart,
May my body be healthy and strong,
May my life be filled with ease.

You may replace the "I"s with "yous," thinking of a specific person, a group of people or the whole planet (may you be safe...may you be happy...may your body...may your life...).

Finish with a few slow, deep breaths, feeling compassion, love and kindness flowing through your body.

Bonus Action: Throughout Your Day 
As often as you wish today - say the Metta Meditation for yourself or generously say it for others you may be struggling with or who, perhaps, can use some compassion.


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