How to communicate with your subconscious mind and get what you design
I remember having this conversation once and so I wanted to relay some of the stuff I came up with. 
So if you have ever wondered why you are not getting what you want… Then you now have the actual answer…
It’s not a usable answer yet… It’s just the answer that may or may not point you in the right direction… Which way do you FEEL it will point you…
On today’s footstep through your mind I want to give you something which will help you communicate properly with your subconscious mind – which means you’ll get what you want and not get more of what you don’t want.
Just to make sure we are all on the same page… Your subconscious mind is the superhuman part of you. The conscious thoughts you have used your entire life, forms only a very tiny bit of your brains true power.
Though personally I think our conscious minds power is more like the very tiny tip at the top of the Iceberg and there’s A LOT MORE underwater.
To prove this…
Your subconscious mind runs the tens of billions of calculations that go on inside your body every single minute.
Whereas we have trouble coping with more than one or two things a minute. It’s not that we are dumb, far from it!
But can you see how much limitless power you have at your disposal? If your subconscious mind only had space for another 1% capacity then it can increase your power by tens of thousands easily… So this is a bit useful if you want to fully engage your life.
Your subconscious mind is a little wizard and will get you anything you can communicate to it that you desire.
I don’t want to cover how it does this right now, just that it does. You do not need to know how your cars engine works to get you from A to B… Just that it does!
So I’ll leave it there as I want to spend time on applicable, how to think skills instead.
Communicating with your subconscious mind is frankly, Your Magic Ticket To Life!
You getting everything you desire; COMPLETELY relies on your ability to communicate your desires to your subconscious mind…
Once you achieve this there is virtually NOTHING you cannot have, do, or be.
Let me explain this a little more now.
Your subconscious speaks in its own way. It may not understand what you are telling it unless you translate it into the language it understands.
By the way, if you’ve ever created vision boards, or tried goal setting systems, and found out they didn’t work for you. This is the reason why!
‘Can you remember walking past a bakery one morning?’
How did you remember it?
It probably occurred as an experience, right?
Now try describing that experience – but don’t use the word ‘bakery’?
Give it a go now for a few moments…
Ok, was it EASY or HARD?
The point of this exercise is to demonstrate that using words alone, may not be enough for your to activate your subconscious mind. Words alone, probably won’t get the job done!
The problem is that words are merely SYMBOLS.
Words are only meaningful to your subconscious once when they’re associated with experiences.
Phrases, which are groups of words are MORE PRECISE symbols and are often associated with experiences (which is WHY I teach people to use phrases when creating our designs.)
… But individual words are unclear to your subconscious. For example, let’s consider this…
Recall the smell of freshly brewed coffee…
That’s dead easy, right?
As soon you read it, you were instantly able to re-live that vivid smell as if there was a cup of coffee in front of you right now. Weren’t you?
So that’s easy right?
That’s because the phrase is tied to an unconscious experience.
Now… here’s a challenge for you…
NOTE: to make sure you really describe the smell, don’t refer to coffee or coffee substitutes or to where or when you normally find coffee or coffee pots, coffee beans or the way coffee cups look!
Go ahead and give that a go now for a few moments.
… If you actually tried to do this, chances are you found it very difficult.
In fact, I’ve never found ONE PERSON who could produce a written description of the smell of freshly brewed coffee that at least 5 out of 10 readers would identify as coffee. – at least when they followed my guidelines!
Because they were dealing with TWO very different languages – WORDS & EXPERIENCES – and there’s no Google Translate app, that can help with this one!
Again now I want you to remember that ‘freshly brewed coffee’ smell… Because here’s something interesting…
According to some linguists, it would take 10,000 words to write an adequate description of, ‘freshly brewed coffee.’
So, isn’t it fantastic that we only need 4 words to translate a 10’000 word experience? You simply remember freshly brewed coffee, and it all comes flooding back to you.
Because the label, and most importantly… THE EXPERIENCE for most of us – are linked in our minds.
Now let me share something quite important…
By creating multiple connections (neural pathways) between the key elements of your ‘desires and goals’, you become automatically able to translate your desires for:
- Financial freedom?
- A new car…
- A great relationship?
- A new business?
- A key employee?
- A new business idea?
You might want to re-read that statement before you read on.
What it means … Perhaps is better described by this:
If I say, ‘pretty woman’ that probably triggers one of two things in you.
1) The experience of Julia Roberts in the film ‘Pretty woman’.
2.) Another woman (one that you think is pretty!)
If you want to tell your subconscious to, ‘find someone who looks pretty like Julia Roberts in the film pretty woman’, you can easily do so.
You simply imagine Julia Roberts in the movie, and you instruct your subconscious that, ‘this is what I mean when I say, someone who looks pretty like Julia Roberts.’
Now your subconscious KNOWS what you mean with the phrase, ‘someone who looks like Julia Roberts in Pretty Woman’ – there are NO mixed messages here!
Do you understand?
Your subconscious mind now knows exactly what you’re looking for. Not some vague wishy washy vision… So it now knows the destination, as without that it cannot create for you.
Your subconscious now sees what you desire and you spending your life with her.
As long as you spend enough time creating this design and give your subconscious mind more and more experiences to see what you desire. Whilst feeling grateful for having brought the person into your life… And you get past the doubting it’ll happen, by sending your mind plausible experiences.
If you want a long life together, then spend the time putting her into that life and see yourselves getting old together… This one kind of helps avoid divorce.
When you’ve spent enough time designing then your subconscious mind, knows what you want, and knows it’s job is to go and get you it. He or she will find the person who also wants you and a coincidence will be manufactured as if by magic!
And this, my friend is what ‘DESIGNING” is all about and WHY getting the hang of it, is THE most valuable tool you could ever have!
But your ego will probably wish to rush you away from that last line pretty quickly by serving you up a distraction or two… So you may wish to read it again and consider it for a while.
You have a wizard in your mind that can perform magic for you…
But you have to learn to speak in his or her language so that proper communication can begin.
The longer you live WITHOUT being able to successfully create your designs and communicate with your subconscious mind, you really are losing out on so much MORE fun and pleasure which you could EASILY be having in your life RIGHT NOW…
*** Cue your ego distracting you from that line too
Don’t believe me? Well, just think of all you could accomplish if you mastered the skill of communicating your desires with your subconscious mind…
… Let’s say you wanted to meet a famous person…
One of my students recently did this with a famous pop star, meeting them at the after party of their concert in Vancouver… I did it with Steve Wozniak a few years ago.
Imagine you wanted to appear on TV to be famous … or to promote your business?
I had this ‘TV’ appearance come up about 4 years ago, I wanted to meet people that can get you on the TV, I subsequently changed my mind on wanting to go on for personal reasons, but we ended up filming the first part in my house.
Imagine being able to “design” and find the perfect employee for your business?
(if you’re in business or looking for a business partner… You may wish to stop and consider the value of this skill…)
For example, a few years ago, I wanted to employ a perfect manager for my business and succeeded.
What would you pay to just meet one person?
What would that be worth to you?
Now imagine the value of being able to design meeting ALL the people you want to in life?
Consider, what value that would be to you…
Consider, is it worth you spending more time making sure you’ve conveyed properly what you desire to your subconscious mind…
How ‘lucky’ a person would this skill make you?
People say to me that I’m so lucky…
No, to a degree I just know and understand how to design with my mind to engineer the outcome I desire…
Put simply I can communicate accurately with my subconscious mind without sending mixed messages! on a smaller level but practise makes perfect
You can design and engineer with your mind:
- Who you want to work with
- Who you want to live with
- Who you want to employ
- Who you want to teach
Can you feel the power of this?
Can you feel the effect of this ability on your future life?
It’s a super power right?
We all have this ability within us, butonly through structuring your thinking can you use it on purpose…
Truly caring for your success
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