25 ways of expanding ones mind
I came across these mind blowing 25 things we can do to help expand our minds, these days we are so closed minded and I guess trapped in our ways of beliefs and things we do we forget to allow, to be and just to accept.
So In order to do this effectively here are 25 things you can do to help you enhance and expand your mind.
1. Listen to classical music.
- Nothing opens your mind up to new possibilities like listening to classical music. Experts say it will even reduce your stress.
- To think intelligent thoughts, try the tunes by Debussy and other classical composers.
2. Turn on public radio.
- From compelling news to inspirational stories, you’ll learn something new to be excited about. Find the public radio station that broadcasts near you.
3. Read a book.
- When you open a book, you open your brain. Whether you choose fiction or biographies and “how to” books, start reading.
- Fifteen minutes a day to start will get you going strong.
4. Take a walk.
- Especially when you walk alone, you clear out the cobwebs and think about all those things you don’t have time to ponder during your busy life. Try it.
5. Watch educational television channels.
- You most likely have at least one history channel and a nature channel, too.
- Learn something new each day by tuning in to an educational television channel. You’ll be amazed at what you learn.
6. Do hand crafts.
- Whether you choose embroidery, sewing, fine wood carvings, knitting, crocheting, or other crafts, select one of these hobbies and get started.
- Some of them require intense concentration while others provide time to let your mind go. Either way, you’ll be thinking in ways that expand the mind.
7. Create a painting.
- Painting pictures prompts you to think about lines, angles and how the total picture will fit together.
8. Take an art class.
- Speaking of painting, why not take a course of instruction to learn how to practice the art of your choice?
9. Make pottery.
- Shaping clay pots and working with softened clay can be a deeply intuitive experience. You’ll love this wonderful activity.
10. Enjoy an electronic tablet.
- Regardless of what you enjoy or have an interest in, you can be assured there’s an app for that.
- You’ll expand your mind in a multitude of ways when you obtain one of these fantastic gadgets.
11. Write.
- Whether you make up some stories for your kids or grand-kids, design a love poem, start the great American novel, or simply keep a journal of your thoughts, writing will expand your thoughts.
- Avoid concerning yourself with whether you’re talented; just write.
12. Discover another country.
- Even if you can’t afford to take a trip, there are numerous ways to find out more about another country.
- Check out some DVDs to take a visual tour. Read some books from your local library. Check out some music CDs that play the music of their culture.
13. Get in to cooking.
- You use math, think about the order of things, and use your hands to prep ingredients.
- You can also learn all about the science behind the art of preparing a tasty meal. What a rewarding way to open your intellect!
14. Take a college class.
- You know you’ve always wanted to learn more about art history or movie/film development. This is truly one of the best ways to keep learning in life. Why not do it?
15. Act in a play.
- Nearly all communities have a community drama group that puts on plays. You’ll memorize lines, learn to emote on cue and use your body to portray a character.
16. Learn to speak a new language.
- Whether you prefer the audio CD route, the computer software avenue or getting the app for your electronic tablet, challenge your mind by learning a new language.
17. Become familiar with car mechanics.
- Expand your mind to learn how the engine operates. Even if you just learn a bit about how the starter works and why the engine needs oil and how it all operates together, you’ll be a better thinker for it.
18. Take up a new sport.
- Never tried golf? Maybe now’s the time. Read a book about it. Watch a television show about it.
- Go with a friend who already knows how to golf and watch. Learning how to do a new sport opens your mind to the possibilities around you.
19. Get a part-time job.
- Even though you might be an accountant, perhaps you always wanted to be a clerk in a boutique. Why not try it? Maybe you work in an office and would love an “outdoor” job.
- Wouldn’t it be fun, just for the sheer experience of it, to try a part-time job you’ve always wanted to do?
20. Volunteer.
- You’ll meet new people and develop more connections with others.
- You’ll feel a deep sense of satisfaction that you’ve helped others while expanding your mind.
21. Visit your local and area museums.
- No matter where you live, you can probably get to a good museum within an hour’s drive.
- Perhaps you’d like to find out more about art or history – there’s a museum near you that can fulfill that need.
22. Join a club.
- Select a reading, fundraising, or even a “deep thinkers” club. You always stand to gain something intellectually when you take part in a group that involves discussion and completing tasks and projects together.
23. Help a child with homework.
- Believe it or not, this is a great mind-expander. Regardless of the age of the child, helping another person learn places you in a position to also learn new things.
- Put your mind to the challenge by regularly helping a child with homework.
24. Attend a lecture or seminar.
- Similar to taking a class but it takes less commitment, drop in on some local lectures to get acquainted with several new subjects of interest.
- Vow to attend one lecture a month to give yourself something fascinating to think about.
25. Surf the internet.
- You can learn about almost anything on the internet.
- Pick a topic and start surfing and interacting with the community on forums and groups.
- Select 4 or 5 of these mind-expanding strategies to get started right now.
- Think smart: set a goal to do one or two things a week to expand your mind. You’ll live the fascinating life you’ve always yearned for!
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