A Dream Board

The most significant motivation behind your consistent actions is your subconscious mind. This is because your subconscious mind is what controls your emotional drives. 

As you know, your behaviors are influenced by the 
thoughts which carry the strongest emotional charge. 

Now, considering this, it ought to be easy to figure out how important it is for you to harness the power of your subconscious mind to fuel your passion and pursue what you really want. 

A vision board is one of the most powerful tools for doing this.  It provides you with powerful visual stimuli that plant "seeds" in your subconscious that are consistent with what you want. 

It's very simple to create one. All you need is a poster board and a few dozen pictures of things that you want in your life: the type of house you want, the kind of body that you want, the kind of partner you want to attract, etc. 

By creating this dream board and putting it somewhere you can see it every day, you awaken desires in your subconscious mind. These desires will drive you towards actions that will help you get what you want. 

Now in case you're skeptical about this, just think about how much money corporations spend on advertisements which use colors, shapes, words and images to provoke emotional responses 
in people.

But what if you could create your own "advertisements" which you could use to "sell yourself" on your own dreams? 

 This is exactly what you're doing when you create your own dream board. 

Can you guess what happens if you don't do this?
It really comes down to a choice: You either make a 
proactive effort to build up the value of your own dreams or you let yourself be influenced by the dreams of others. 

Life is too short to keep building the dreams of other people. 

Truly Caring for Your Success


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