The right things will happen at the right time


Most of what makes an experience so magical is that we are 
experiencing it at just the right moment.

Over the past few weeks maybe months, I've had quite a bit of change in my life and the chain of events have just been spinning and spinning in my head at the serendipity of it all, so this morning I finally got around to realising the occurance of things and I began to smile from ear to ear.

One of the most extraordinary functions of the human brain is—it thinks for us even when we’re not consciously thinking. Really! how is that possible?
Well, the scientific answer—which can breed curiosity about—is that our brain is a sophisticated parallel processing system capable of intuitively assessing and reacting to data that our conscious mind is never even aware of.

But I dont always want or need a scientific explaniation for every little thing that happens in life.

When just the right thing happens at just the right moment, I simply want to believe that it was meant to be.  And even when complications arise, I want to believe that these complications are necessary evils—necessary because they force us to learn, adapt, and overcome.  Which is, I’ve learned, a big part of why we’re here in the first place. 

One of the most important moments in life is the moment you finally find the courage and determination to let go of what can't be changed. Because, when you are no longer able to change a situation, you are challenged to change yourself... to grow beyond the unchangeable. And that, changes everything. 

Of course, when hard times hit there’s a default human tendency to hold on—to extrapolate and assume the future holds more of the same. This doesn’t happen as often when things are going well. A laugh, a smile, and a warm fuzzy feeling are fleeting and we know it.

We take the good times at face value in the moment for all they’re worth and then we let them go. But when we’re depressed, struggling, or fearful, it’s easy to heap on more pain by assuming tomorrow will be exactly like today.

This simply put is a self-fulfilling prophecy. Know this! If you don’t allow yourself to move past what happened, what was said, what was felt, you will look at your present and future through that same dirty lens, and nothing will be able to focus your foggy judgment. You will keep on justifying, reliving, and fueling a perception that is worn out and false.

But make no mistake, this is more than simply accepting that life will improve as time passes. Yes, “time heals wounds,” but yours is not a passive role in the process of healing and moving past pain. The question is: where are your present steps taking you?

It doesn’t matter what’s been done; what truly matters is what YOU DO from here.

Realize that most people make themselves miserable simply by finding it impossible to accept life just as it is presenting itself right now.

Don’t be one of them!

Let go of your fantasies. This letting go doesn’t mean you don’t care about something or someone anymore. It’s just realizing that the only thing you really have control over is yourself, in this moment.

The best action you can take right now is changing your thinking, instead of trying to change the broken world around you. 

Trials and tragedies strike indiscriminately and nobody is guaranteed safety. But, by changing your thinking, bad times and rocky patches can become the proving ground for achieving renewed happiness.

The key is to understand that no matter what happens, you can choose your response, and no matter what happens understand where your expereince is coming from, which dictates pretty much everything that happens next. Truly, the greatest weapon you have against anxiety, negativity and stress is your ability to choose one present thought over another—to train your mind to make the best of what you’ve got in front of you, even when it’s far less than you expected.

So even though I may use the word control, its actually not control but practice to think a better more supportive and progrssive thought.

Yes, YOU CAN change the way you think! And once you do, you can master a new way to be.

And if you are struggling with this, know that most of us do, your not alone but we can talk about it and perhaps hold each other accoutnable for making these thought changing happen.

If you'd liek to know more about letting go theres this marvelous book called The language of Leting go, you can get your copy here.

Big love Nas.


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