Are you "Aware"?

Most people struggle through life simply reacting to events around them; I know I do, not all the time as I am quite aware, but sometimes I still react - however most people react, being oblivious to the fact that they helped to create those events themselves.

Like a ship tossed at sea, they see themselves being knocked by external circumstances, a tiny object subject to the whims of chance.

But here is the reality,

Whilst I agree that many were born as victims of circumstances, I don't
believe that they have to STAY that way.  Often we don't have a choice
about being victimized, but we do have a choice about STAYING that
way and using it as our excuse not to live the life we desire or have a better quality of life.

As you go through your memory banks and being honest with yourself,
you will realize what areas of your life you have been living in the 'Victim' level of Awareness.  The trick is to become aware of these levels in order to change them.

Someone once said to me: 'Now that you know and have experienced what has just happened to you, being aware will allow you to make a different decision when confronted with a similar or same situation.

Having that knowledge is the first step to freedom.

It's like being locked up in a prison cell, but the key is in the door.  All you have to do is turn the key and be free.  You are only a prisoner if you choose to be a prisoner.  You're only a victim if you choose to remain a victim.

Harry Houdini the great escape artist was known to be able to escape from any shackle, handcuffs or prison cell - he was given the challenge to escape from one of the toughest prison cells ever made based in Germany. When they put Harry in the cell, the guards forgot to lock the door. As Harry preceded to try to escape, he was unable to; for hours he tried to escape, sweating and not understanding why he couldn't unlock the cell door. 

The point is his level of awareness was that the door was locked, therefore no matter what he was trying, he could not unlock the door because it was already unlocked  Does that make sense?

Unlike most people who believe they are victims and have no choice, YOU know you can move up the 'levels of Awareness' through conscious choice.  This means that no matter what happens to you, you NEVER have to remain a victim. 

Be aware! Being aware is about knowing; knowing when you're feeling that emotion, be it anger, anxiety or depression. At that very moment, you have a choice as to how you're going to react or respond to that feeling.

I just let it pass through me.

The beauty is that at that moment your very own innate self-correcting ability can and WILL give you exactly what you need, when you need it, if anything is needed at all !

Today will bring you a new awareness.

Truly Caring for Your Success!
Big luv Nas 


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