
Showing posts from October, 2018

The implications of the inside out nature of mind.

Hi all hope your weeks been going good so far, tonight I wanted to share with you guy's the implications of having a deeper understanding of the inside out nature of mind..   The principles behind clarity.  This understanding as it deepens really puts life and everyday things into a different light, here are a few implication.   Implication 1 You can’t be a victim of circumstance, As you realize that its impossible for you to be a victim of circumstance you become less likely to look to the outside world for security, approval and validation. Fearing to fail and having a fear of criticism reveal themselves to be all bark and no bite. It becomes easier to take calculated risk, freedom from confusion about where your well being comes from, you become more care free, enjoying yourself and having more fun as you experiment and explore. As you take action you take responsibility for creating the kind of results that you want or desire. ...

My mind keeps telling me these 3 lies...

The human mind is a wonderful thing.  It’s also good at lieing and making excuses which frequently try to convince us NOT to take actions when we know that its good for us.  This ultimately prevents many good changes from taking place in our lives. But why?  Why does the mind lie to us and make irrational excuses? Because, the mind wants comfort, that’s why!  It’s very much hates discomfort, pressure and change.  The mind is use to its comfort zone, and anytime we try to stretch that zone too far, for too long, the mind tries desperately to get back to ground zero at any cost… including sacrificing our long-term health, happiness and success. So let’s expose and bring to light three of the mind’s most regretful lies and excuses once and for all – I've literally seen these specific lies and excuses plaguing people I know over the past decade or so. 1.  "Its easy for them, because they have it better than me." – Just because someone else ca...

What You Do consistently over and over is what will Define You

A lot of the most meaningful results that we will ever achieve in our lives come from the little things we do—the milestones, the relationships, the love, the lessons—all come from what we do repeatedly, on a daily basis. I cant emphasis enough how important it is your daily rituals. Regardless of your unique talents, knowledge, and life circumstances, I hear it all the time amongst other music enthusiast who talk about how much better they are than other artist they hear or see and how they wouldn't go on shows like x-factor or the voice etc, its not how good you are necessarily but what you do on a daily basis that get you to where you want to get to. It's not how you personally define success and happiness, Here's the thing, you don’t suddenly become successful and happy.  You become successful and happy over time based on the daily rituals you choose to do and your willingness to try again and again, and of course with the right thinking—to create little dail...

1 Daily ritual that's so important to me I call it morning loving-kindness meditation

Hi guys and good morning. So I woke this morning and went through my daily morning ritual as you do, and thought, how important is a morning ritual, well, for me the morning is enormously important. It's the foundation from which your day is built. How you choose to spend your morning can be used to predict what kind of day you’re going to have. Here's how it looks to me, when you start your day from a beautiful feeling, feeling whole and centered, you tend to carry this mindset into everything you do and every conversation you have. This is especially helpful when you are forced to work through a difficult life situation, or deal with difficult relationships. Although you can’t change every situation or relationship you're involved in, you can always change your response to them but that needs to be done by your innate self correcting ability. And that's where a morning loving-kindness meditation works wonders! This is how it works: When I r...