
Showing posts from 2015

Living a happy life

1. Your outside is a reflection of the inner you . “For beautiful eyes, look for the good in others; for beautiful lips, speak only words of kindness; and for poise, walk with the knowledge that you are never alone.” I think this is a wonderful quote and in my experience a very true one. How other people see you aren’t just about cheekbones and a good sense of style. People view people through filters in their minds. A kind person may seem more handsome when you get to know him. A handsome person may suddenly not seem that attractive as you are confronted with her negative attitude. And this goes for pretty much any meeting or relationship you have with someone. What you feel and think has a big impact not only on you. It’s also spread to the people around you. Emotions are contagious. And people form opinions about others oftentimes in subtle and almost unconscious ways. Now, this may sound a bit silly or like it’s not of that great importance (I certainly used to thi...

Top 10 motivational affirmations

Motivational Affirmations For Your Life A great way to get motivated is to use  motivational affirmations. Using affirmations can change how you think about yourself and how you view the world around you. These positive statements can bring you the motivation you seek, as well as happiness, joy, and passion. When you’re feeling negative or down, repeating affirmations can immediately improve your mood. Even though affirmations can work immediately, don’t think of them as a quick fix.  Positive affirmations are most effective in the long-term so you can get what you deeply desire out of life. When you use affirmations, you are literally reprogramming the way you think. You replace your negative self-talk and doubts with positive, motivating thoughts. Eventually, these positive thoughts become reality. These motivational affirmations work because they push away the negative thoughts that are limiting you day in and day out. You can leave your negative think...

Your goals are closer than you think

When people tell you all the reasons you'll fail, or when you try to do something but receive a less than perfect outcome, avoid taking to heart. People always have opinions, and they can be - and usually are - wrong. Each failure can be a stepping-stone if you turn it into one. Even professional athletes and actors make mistakes.   It's okay to be human! Your successful outcome may arrive next month, next week, or even today. When you stop before you complete your goal or dream, you lose the chance to see yourself completely fulfilled and reach the destiny that you were created for.  You just might be hours away from your goals! How to Keep Moving Forward Moving forward is critical to reaching your goal, and you can find ways to keep going each and every day.  When you look for ways to move ahead, you inch closer and closer to your goal.  As you see it getting closer, you'll put in a greater effort to reach it. That speeds up the process and it makes yo...

Improve Your Powers of Concentration

The Benefits of Improved Concentration: Be more productive.   By devoting your full attention to whatever you're doing at the moment, you'll produce better quality work in less time.  It  really is  this simple! Be a better friend.  Conversations are more pleasant if you feel like others are really listening to you. Paying attention to others will help you appreciate your family and friends, and understand how to support them when they need it. Feel more peaceful.  Many studies have found that multitasking makes people  slower  and  less  effective at performing various tasks. Trying to do too many things at once can cause stress and make you feel less alert. By contrast, focusing on one thing helps to calm your mind. Training Your Mind To Concentrate: Focus on one thing at a time.  Place your mind on whatever you're doing in the present moment.  Think about how you act when you're engrossed in a thrilli...

The most important question of your life

Everybody wants what feels good. Everyone wants to live a carefree, happy and easy life, to fall in love and have amazing sex and relationships, to look perfect and make money and be popular and well-respected and admired and a total baller to the point that people part like the Red Sea when you walk into the room. Everyone would like that — it’s easy to like that. If I ask you, “What do you want out of life?” and you say something like, “I want to be happy and have a great family and a job I like,” it’s so ubiquitous that it doesn’t even mean anything. A more interesting question, a question that perhaps you’ve never considered before, is what pain do you want in your life? What are you willing to struggle for? Because that seems to be a greater determinant of how our lives turn out. Everybody wants to have an amazing job and financial independence — but not everyone wants to suffer through 60-hour work weeks, long commutes, obnoxious paperwork, to navigate arbitrary corporat...

How do you see yourself

If you live under the illusion that you are "not enough" you will never see yourself as the Cup that holds abundance. Instead you  will see yourself as a crack or a fault in the Cup.  Sure we are all  flawed in some ways, but this idea that there is something inherently  wrong with us is absurd. How did we come to this conclusion? Who is  holding the measuring tape?  Usually some authority figure, organization  or religion that is trying to control us by attacking our self-worth. It is important to understand the distinction between self-improvement and self-worth. At its very core self-improvement says that we are broken and we need to be fixed. It comes from striving to be something or someone other than who you are. Self-worth is knowing that you already have everything you need and that  you are the person you've been waiting for.  There is nothing to reach. There is only BEING and LIVING who you are. You are worthy because you...

Do you struggle with negativity....

Beginning in 1952 with Norman Vincent Peale's book, "The Power of Positive Thinking," a large school of thought has developed around the idea that happiness and unhappiness are largely by products of thoughts  And that "negative thinking" results in a variety of psychological and physiological disorders. The remedy, according to these thinkers, is to exercise control over your thoughts to achieve health, serenity, an enhanced sense of well-being and increased personal effectiveness at work and at home.   You've probably had good days where you could keep  your thoughts positive and empowering. But what about those days when it just seems that nothing is going right and you can't seem to keep the flies of negative thought from ruining your picnic? Here is one solution to this dilemma, this simple yet powerful strategy might be just what you're looking for. Try reframing your thoughts. The first key to stamping out negative thoughts f...

How to Live the Law of Attraction

Having a conversation with a friend the other day just talking about how we create our lives with our higher consciousness and I asked her if she had heard of the law of attraction! She said yes however she said it doesn't work, well well, actually it works all the time the trick is, how to live the law of attraction purposely, intentionally and deliberate. So I put this together as a little guide to living the law of attraction. The first thing is quite difficult however for the most part if you can do these things you will become a deliberate manifester. Rid yourself of negative thoughts and feelings .  Negativity will ultimately drive away the positive things you deserve, so you must learn how to erase your mind of anything negative. Quite honestly, this will require some practice, but it's worth it! You will never get rid of negative feelings and thoughts completely, its impossible and we are all human however we can lower the frequency of negative thoughts and ...

The truth about fear

"It's alright to have butterflies in your stomach. Just get them to  fly in formation." - Dr. Rob Gilbert The tendency for most people is to get into a comfort zone and build a nice little nest there. The comfort zone is made up of all the thoughts we've had and all the things we've done often enough to feel comfortable thinking or doing them. Anything that threatens to push us out of our nest makes us feel uncomfortable. "Uncomfortable" is a catch all term that encompasses many emotions;  fear, unworthiness, doubt, anger, hurt and distrust, to name a few. Since we have labeled these emotions as "bad", we don't want to feel them and so we crawl back into our nests. It can be argued that there are really only two human emotions, fear and love and that all other emotions are variations on these two themes. Any negative emotion is a spin-off of fear. Except for rare occasions, most of the fear that we experience is over imagi...

Why you are stuck in limitation (and how to get un-stuck)

Many of us are stuck in what I call, the funnel of limitation. When we live in the bottom of the funnel of limitation we believe that what we see is real and we become trapped by an awareness of lack and struggle. AND because we are surrounded by many other people who are also trapped in the bottom of the funnel, our beliefs and the beliefs we are surrounded with are also limited... It is within the bottom of the funnel that we believe in chance, fate and circumstances beyond our control. It becomes difficult to believe in the possibility of freedom. And when all you can see from your limited vision is restriction and limitation, you live in a state of survival and that's when you get stuck. Now, here is the good news, you can move to the top of the funnel - which is open and expansive and filled with higher consciousness. The key to staying at the top of the funnel is to permanently change your beliefs. And you can do this consciously and deliberately. Y...

Energy shifting exercise

Concept Conflicts and the Law of Attraction. Do you keep thinking about what happened? Do you mull it over and over and over in your head thinking about what a jerk they were? Do you stew over it or gossip to people about how wrong that person was? Do you replay the conflict in your head thinking about all the things you "should have said?" Do you vent to a trusted friend about it? There is a difference between venting and gossiping about what happened. Venting is usually structured such that you may be telling someone about an experience you had and how you struggled with it as you are trying to piece it together for yourself and figure out what went wrong. Gossiping is usually about making the other person wrong and finding someone who will "co-sign" your ideas or side with you. Venting is certainly a more responsible way to talk about what happened however  both solutions actually lower your vibration . This is not to say that venting isn't important. It...

Keys to Success: Perseverance

Humans have the tendency to want to control everything. Since there are always situations that can't be controlled, suffering occurs. Unfortunately, this suffering can't be escaped. Your goal should never be to avoid mistakes at all costs and seek control. Your goal should be to   strengthen your perseverance by effectively dealing with the situation when things go awry. Keep these tips in mind as you strengthen your perseverance: Never Give Up.  When you have an ultimate goal,  you owe it to yourself to completely follow through.  There are going to be plenty of bumps in the road. Don't let any of these bumps bring you down. Always be seeking new ways of approaching problems. Seek Out the Positive.  When things have become overwhelmingly negative for you, seek out positive things in your life. You might want to surround yourself with loved ones or watch positive movies. You definitely want to seek out situations that'll promote your optimism ...

How to communicate with your subconscious mind and get what you design

I remember having this conversation once and so I wanted to relay some of the stuff I came up with.  So if you have ever wondered why you are not getting what you want… Then you now have the actual answer… It’s not a usable answer yet… It’s just the answer that may or may not point you in the right direction…  Which way do you FEEL it will point you… On today’s footstep through your mind I want to give you something which will help you communicate properly with your subconscious mind – which means you’ll get what you want and  not get more of what you don’t want. Just to make sure we are all on the same page…  Your subconscious mind is the superhuman part of you.  The conscious thoughts you have used your entire life, forms only a very tiny bit of your brains true power. The image here of the Iceberg does it a little justice. Though personally I think  our conscious minds power is more like the very tiny tip at the top of the Iceberg  ...