If You're Waiting For Something To Change, You'll Never Be Happy

Are you waiting for something to change before you can feel good about yourself? Maybe you think: "I'm too fat. Once I lose these 20 pounds, then I can like my body again." "I'm not where I want to be in life. Once I get that promotion, then I can feel like I've accomplished something." "My kid isn't doing well in school. Once we get her back on track, then I know I'm being a good parent." "I hate being alone. Once I finally meet my life partner, then I can feel complete." Did you know that whenever you have a thought like this, you are looking for a reason to love yourself? And did you know that not loving yourself will keep you stuck in whatever conditions you don't want? But wait a minute," you might say. "What's wrong with trying to be better? Aren't you supposed to be all about improvement?, self-improvement?" Yes and no. Resisting what you're experienci...