
Showing posts from July, 2015

How to communicate with your subconscious mind and get what you design

I remember having this conversation once and so I wanted to relay some of the stuff I came up with.  So if you have ever wondered why you are not getting what you want… Then you now have the actual answer… It’s not a usable answer yet… It’s just the answer that may or may not point you in the right direction…  Which way do you FEEL it will point you… On today’s footstep through your mind I want to give you something which will help you communicate properly with your subconscious mind – which means you’ll get what you want and  not get more of what you don’t want. Just to make sure we are all on the same page…  Your subconscious mind is the superhuman part of you.  The conscious thoughts you have used your entire life, forms only a very tiny bit of your brains true power. The image here of the Iceberg does it a little justice. Though personally I think  our conscious minds power is more like the very tiny tip at the top of the Iceberg  ...

Victim level of Awareness

Most people struggle through life simply reacting to events around them, I know I do, not all the time as I am quite aware but sometimes I still react however, most react being oblivious to the fact that they themselves  help to create those events. Like a ship tossed at sea, they see themselves buffeted by external circumstances, a tiny object subject to the whims of chance. But here is the reality While I agree many were born as victims of circumstances, I don't believe they have to STAY that way.  Often we don't have a choice about being victimized, but we do have a choice about STAYING that way and using it as our excuse not to live the life we desire. As you go through your memory banks and being honest with yourself you will realise what areas of your life you have been living in the Victim Level of Awareness.  The trick is to becoming aware of these levels in order to change them. My partner said to me, now that you know and have e...

What are the signs that Manifest from your alignment?

"Some people call it materialization, some call it manifestation, I like calling it actualization or demonstration however, it really doesn't matter.  So what happens when you get a really good momentum going? the first thing that happens is that you receive, you experience the manifestation of emotion.  And we want to call emotion a manifestation because does it get any realer than feeling? When you get that feeling, isn't it real, isn't it up close and personal kind of real? That's a manifestation.  It's a manifestation of momentum. And you can tell by the way you feel whether it's momentum leading to something you want or leading to something you don't want. The next thing that happens is thoughts begin to flow.  That's the next thing. Now really what happens is the thought came first and the emotion came second. But we want to call it the emotion the first manifestation of awareness. We think it will serve you if you realize that when yo...

25 ways of expanding ones mind

I came across these mind blowing 25 things we can do to help expand our minds, these days we are so closed minded and I guess trapped in our ways of beliefs and things we do we forget to allow, to be and just to accept.  So In order to do this effectively here are 25 things you can do to help you enhance and expand your mind. 1. Listen to classical music. Nothing opens your mind up to new possibilities like listening to classical music. Experts say it will even reduce your stress. To think intelligent thoughts, try the tunes by Debussy and other classical composers. 2. Turn on public radio. From compelling news to inspirational stories, you’ll learn something new to be excited about. Find the public radio station that broadcasts near you. 3. Read a book. When you open a book, you open your brain. Whether you choose fiction or biographies and “how to” books, start reading. Fifteen minutes a day to start will get you going strong. ...