How to communicate with your subconscious mind and get what you design
I remember having this conversation once and so I wanted to relay some of the stuff I came up with. So if you have ever wondered why you are not getting what you want… Then you now have the actual answer… It’s not a usable answer yet… It’s just the answer that may or may not point you in the right direction… Which way do you FEEL it will point you… On today’s footstep through your mind I want to give you something which will help you communicate properly with your subconscious mind – which means you’ll get what you want and not get more of what you don’t want. Just to make sure we are all on the same page… Your subconscious mind is the superhuman part of you. The conscious thoughts you have used your entire life, forms only a very tiny bit of your brains true power. The image here of the Iceberg does it a little justice. Though personally I think our conscious minds power is more like the very tiny tip at the top of the Iceberg ...