
Showing posts from May, 2020

Get this and you will be liberated forever.

For the past two decades, I’ve been committed to generating a flow of positive energy in my life—and I love sharing how I do it. When you encounter a challenge in your life, or when something unfortunate happens, are you making a bad situation worse ? Well, you are if you’re: Blaming someone Shaming someone (including yourself) Complaining about it a lot I have a friend who the other day I had to stop him in his tracks and just gently remind him that his habitual thoughts lead to his everyday coming home from work complaining about someone at his job or the management of his job. Dude, you’ll never be at peace unless you get out of this unhappy cycle. What were you thinking just now? Just before you started reading this? Were you thinking that you can relate to the headline? Something about feeling stressed and unhappy? Maybe what happened earlier today has caused you to be melancholy or anxious. You gained a few pounds. Your co-worker/supe...

The quality of your thoughts

An enlightened person understands that there is nothing to be gained by thinking about others. Pure thoughts and feelings will do all the work. There is no need to think any further. The quality of your thoughts will affect your spiritual endeavour. So keep checking them. If you don’t, then at some point your mode of thinking will become quite ordinary, no longer spiritual. The sign of this is that your mind begins to; race and you start reacting sensitively to little things. You become vulnerable not just to the opinions of others but even to your own limited way of understanding. Thoughts can be your best friend or your worst enemy. The happiness of your life depends upon the quality of your thoughts: therefore, guard accordingly, and take care that you entertain no notions unsuitable to virtue and reasonable nature. Did you know that we have over 60,000 thoughts every day and around 70% of these are the same thoughts as the day before? How is your ‘thought life’ right no...

Open up to love again.

Some of us get scarred from love and end up putting up barriers or walls that inevitably stop us from moving on and finding love again. “A thousand half-loves must be forsaken to take one whole heart home.” ~Rumi When I met my love in 2000, my dull black and white life became as bright as a double rainbow. The intense hues of love flooded over me with extreme joy and happiness. We didnt physically meet until 4 years later but cultivated our love over the internet until that final day. Soon after meeting, we married and lived together for 5 years. Yet, like rainbows and raindrops, our love evaporated and I took our divorce especially hard, soaking in self-pity and sadness while grieving for a good 3 to4 years. After experiencing a painful breakup, you never, ever want to be in a relationship again. A broken heart and pained soul wants to give up on love altogether. I know a few people who experienced this. Why put yourself through so much pain and suffering for a love ...


FROM TIME TO TIME, we've all experienced coincidences that seem to be endowed with special significance. Perhaps the phone rings with a call from a long-lost friend just as you've been thinking about that person. Or you keep hearing a certain word or phrase in your reading and conversation. Or something that you dreamed suddenly appears in real life. The Swiss Carl psychologist Jung coined a word to describe these moments of meaningful coincidence: synchronicity.  A synchronicity is a coming together of see mingly unconnected events. If you focus your attention, you may recognize that your life is shaped by those moments of meaningful coincidence. You may even be able to nurture and participate in those moments in a positive way. Together, this awareness and intention make up what I call your SynchoDestiny . In any aspect of life, attention and awareness foster growth. Whenever you focus your attention on a subject or phenomenon, the object of you attention will grow stronger....

Finding your Dharma

Dharma ” is a Sanskrit word that translates literally to “right direction,” “rightful duty,” or “righteous living.” But the concept of dharma has a far deeper meaning than its direct translation. Essentially, your dharma means your purpose in life. Your dharma is your true calling – what you were put here to do. Ancient yoga texts describe dharma as an inner wisdom, or a cosmic guidance that governs not only you and me as individuals, but the entire Universe itself! So how do you find – and then follow – your inner dharma?   Your dharma is your true calling – what you were put here to do. As abstract as the concept of dharma sounds, there are ways to listen to your own inner voice of this dharma . . . IF you can identify it above all the other voices around you – of your culture, of your conscience, of society’s expectations, and of beliefs handed down through generations. We can easily get lost in the chaos of all these voices, but once we can access and become att...

The Law of detachment

The sixth spiritual law of success, the Law of Detachment, says that the way to acquire anything in the universe is to relinquish our attachment to it. This doesn’t mean we give up the intention to create our desire; we don’t give up the intention, and we don’t give up the desire. We give up our attachment to the outcome. The moment we combine one-pointed intention with detachment to the outcome, we will have that which we desire. Detachment comes from an inner knowingness that we are a pattern of behavior of a higher intelligence. When things don’t seem to go our way, we can let go of our idea of how things should be. We know that in our limited awareness, we cannot see the synchronistic, harmonious patterns of the universe of which we and our intentions are a part. Attachment, on the other hand, implies doubt and distrust in nature’s intelligence and its infinite organizing power. Attachment is the melodrama of the ego, because it is based on fear and insecurity, and t...

The reason for our suffering, in all walks of life, is our resistance.

The reason for our suffering, in all walks of life, is our resistance to life’s inevitable changes. And life is always changing. To have lived is to have changed often. Sometimes this is hard to accept… Although we know this, what has been a tough lesson for me is understanding and accepting that what we have today may become what we had tomorrow . You never know. Things change, often spontaneously. People and circumstances come and go. Life doesn’t stop for anybody. It moves rapidly and rushes from calm to chaos in a matter of seconds, and happens like this to people every day. It’s likely happening to someone nearby right now. Sometimes the shortest split second in time changes the direction of our lives trust me, it is my truth as it is yours. A seemingly innocuous decision rattles our whole world like a meteorite striking Earth. Entire lives have been swiveled and flipped upside down, for better or worse, on the strength of an unpredictable event. And thes...