The right things will happen at the right time

Most of what makes an experience so magical is that we are experiencing it at just the right moment. Over the past few weeks maybe months, I've had quite a bit of change in my life and the chain of events have just been spinning and spinning in my head at the serendipity of it all, so this morning I finally got around to realising the occurance of things and I began to smile from ear to ear. One of the most extraordinary functions of the human brain is—it thinks for us even when we’re not consciously thinking. Really! how is that possible? Well, the scientific answer—which can breed curiosity about—is that our brain is a sophisticated parallel processing system capable of intuitively assessing and reacting to data that our conscious mind is never even aware of. But I dont always want or need a scientific explaniation for every little thing that happens in life. When just the right thing happens at just the right moment, I simply want to beli...