Finding Grattitude when its most difficult

Don’t lower your standards, but do remind yourself that removing your expectations of others—especially those who are being difficult—i s the best way to avoid being disappointed by them. You will end up sadly disappointed if you expect others will always do for you as you do for them. Not everyone has the same heart as you. Not everyone’s heart is filled with genuine gratitude. When you’re forced to deal with a difficult person, you can be grateful for having other people in your life who are far less difficult. You can be grateful for having a way to practice being better at patience, communication, and tempering your expectations. You can think of this person as a teacher, who is inadvertently helping you to grow stronger as a person. And, at the very least, you can be grateful for them because they serve as a great reminder of how not to be. Although we have these automatic thoughts that go into our heads in that moment of dealing with a difficult situatio...