4 Hard Choices You Need to Make to Be Happier

I'm a firm believer that happiness is a choice regardless of circumstance and situations, of course there are some situations and circumstnace can be labelled as quite harsh and phsyicall demanding however on a genral basis I feel happiness is always a choice. Heres the thing, some of us feel we need to achieve certain things or change circumstances and situations in order to be happy, so for you here are 4 hard choices you need to make to be happier. section from Marc and Angel Making a choice to be happy is hard, dont let anyone tell you any different, YOU need to do HARD things to be HAPPY in life. Because the hard things ultimately build you up and change your life. They make the difference between existing and living, between knowing the path and walking it, between a lifetime of empty promises and one filled with progress. And, strengthening the MIND is the hardest thing you need to do! Think about the most common problems we as human beings deal with on a daily basi...