
Showing posts from September, 2015

How do you see yourself

If you live under the illusion that you are "not enough" you will never see yourself as the Cup that holds abundance. Instead you  will see yourself as a crack or a fault in the Cup.  Sure we are all  flawed in some ways, but this idea that there is something inherently  wrong with us is absurd. How did we come to this conclusion? Who is  holding the measuring tape?  Usually some authority figure, organization  or religion that is trying to control us by attacking our self-worth. It is important to understand the distinction between self-improvement and self-worth. At its very core self-improvement says that we are broken and we need to be fixed. It comes from striving to be something or someone other than who you are. Self-worth is knowing that you already have everything you need and that  you are the person you've been waiting for.  There is nothing to reach. There is only BEING and LIVING who you are. You are worthy because you...