The Root of Guilty Feelings
There are two kinds of guilty feelings: valid ones and invalid ones. Valid guilty feelings are those you get when you do something that you know is out of alignment with your personal values. Believe it or not, these kinds of guilty feelings are your best friends. They remind you that you need to make a change in your behavior, and as long as you respond positively to them, they'll pass very quickly. For example, if you're teaching people that borrowing money isn't a good idea and that debt is designed to keep people broke, but you're running up credit cards, you're going to feel guilty until one of two things happens: 1. You start being honest with yourself about the fact that you DO believe in debt, or 2. You decide to line up your actions with your behavior Otherwise, you'll go on feeling guilty because your actions are contradicting your personal values. The problem is that the longer you go on this way, the more desensitized y...